pounds three shillings and six pence, with interest thereon from the year seven-
teen hundred and ninety two, heretofore --med of him as security for Henry
Shryock, formerly sheriff and collector of said county; Provided, he pays the
costs of the suit heretofore brought for said debt against him, by the state, in A.
Arundel county court.
Dec. Ses. 1823.
No. 11.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the treasurer of the
western shore, be, and he is hereby authorised and required, to complete the
subscription of two hundred and fifty shares in the stock of the Chesapeake and
Delaware canal company, in annual instalments of fifty shares, and that he pay
the said instalments out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, and that
the faith of the state of Maryland, be, and is hereby pledged for the punctual
payment of the said instalments as they may annually become due.
Passed Feb.
6, 1824.
and delaware
No. 12.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Thomas Wright, Ro-
bert Wright, Thomas Wright, administrators of Clayton Wright and the estate
of Henry Darden deceased, are severally released from any liability on the
states claim against them as securities to Samuel T. Wright, former clerk of
Queen Ann's county, upon their severally complying with the conditions of a
resolution passed at December session eighteen hundred and twenty two; that is
to say, when Thomas Wright shall pay into the treasury the one fourth part of
said debt, interest and costs, and one other fourth part as administrator of
Clayton Wright, and Robert Wright when he shall pay into the treasury
one fourth part of said debt, interest and costs, and the estate of Henry Darden,
deceased, when Philemon B. Hopper executor of said Darden, deceased, shall
pay into the treasury the one fourth part of the said debt, interest and costs, ac-
cording to the condition of said resolution, passed December session eighteen
hundred and twenty two, and not otherwise.
Passed Feb.
10, 1824.
T. Wright &
No. 13.
Whereas, It appears to this general assembly, by the petition of Enoch Cloud,
that he in the year eighteen hundred and seventeen, applied to the governor
and council to purchase a piece of land which he conceived was liable to con-
fiscation, in consequence the executive ordered a survey, and appointed com-
missioners to make a valuation thereof, for the amount of which, the petitioner
executed his bond with security thereon to the state, for the sum of three hun-
dred and thirty three dollars and thirty three cents, being two thirds of the
whole amount, at which said property was valued; that a caveat was filed by
certain persons who conceived the said property to be their right and estate,
and not liable to confiscation against a patent issuing therefor to the said Cloud;
and after an expensive investigation and considerable argument by council be-
fore his honor the chancellor, it was decided that a patent should issue for the
same, that the case might be tried before a jury of the county; that since, at the
lust April term of Cecil county court, a cause tried, in which the title of this
property was incidentally brought in question, which was finally decided against
him, and he thus virtually lost the property; and that the petitioner has been
at a very considerable expence in defending the suit, and should he be compelled
to pay the amount of the bound giving by him to the state he would effectually
be ruined; that he is willing to loose all the expences incurred and to relinquish
his claim to said property to the state; Provided, that he and his securities shall
be released from the payment of his bond, and that he therefore prays this
general assembly to cause the said bond to be cancelled, upon his giving up all
his claim to said property, and the prayer of the petitioner appearing reasona-
ble. Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the treasurer of the
western shore, be, and he is hereby authorised and directed, to dismiss the
unit as instituted by this state against the said Enoch Cloud and his securities,
and to cancel the said bond upon the said Cloud executing a release for all his
right and interest in the said land, he the said Cloud paying all costs which have
accrued on the suit instituted in behalf of the state against him on said bond.
Passed Feb.
3, 1824.
Enoch Claud.
No. 14.
Resolved, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That if the said Registers
in Chancery, clerks of the courts of appeals, clerks of the several county courts,
registers of wills in the several counties of this state, and clerk of the city court
of Baltimore, who have failed to record such papers as by them resptctively
ought to have been recorded, shall not complete the records of the same, on or
before the first day of January in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-five,
then, that the governor and council be, and they are hereby authorised to direct
the Attorney General to institute such suit or suits as may be necessary for the
recovery of such demands as may be due by each or all of said registers in chan-
cery, clerks of the courts of appeals, clerks of the several county courts, regis-
Passed Feb.
12, 1824.