Passed Feb.
24, 1824.
An act to enlarge the bounds of Centreville, and for other purposes.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Town of Centreville in Queen Ann's county, shall be included
in the following metes and bounds, that is to say; beginning at the
meadow fence of John T. Miers, Esq. at the place where it inter-
sects the mill branch and running from thence with a straight line to
a large oak tree, standing in the field of Richard T. Earle, Esquire,
then with a straight line to a locus tree, standing at the mouth of the
lane leading from the main road to the stable of Doctor Robert
Goldsborough, then by and with the fence on the east side of the
said lane to the back garden fence of the said Doctor Golds-
borough, then by and with the said garden fence, and the adjoin-
ing lot fence until it intersects Water-street extended, then to the
corner of the garden fence of William Carmichael, Esquire, in-
eluding his stable and ice house, then by and with said fence
and the adjoining lot fences to the road leading from Centre-
ville, to the dwelling house of Thomas P. Turpin, Esq. then across
the said road to a valley nearly opposite thereto in the field of the
said Thomas B. Turpin, Esquire, leading from said road to the gra-
velly run branch, until it intersects the said branch, then by and with
the said branch across the main road leading to Church Hill, until it
intersects a drain leading from said branch by the spring house, in
John T. Miers' lot lately purchased from Henry Darden, Esquire,
then by and with the said drain to a large cedar tree standing in the
said lot near the head of the said drain, then with a straight line
through the lots of the said John T. Miers and Thomas Murphey,
to the corner of the out fence of the lot of the said Murphey lying
on the south side of the main road leading to Centreville landing,
then by and with the said fence to the lot of the late Ebenezer Co-
vington, then through the said lot of Covington, in a straight line
with the mill house, until it intersects the said mill branch, then with
a streight line to the beginning.
Survey and
2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners of said town
or a majority of them shall be, and hereby are authorised and re-
quired to cause the metes and bounds described, in the first section
of this act, to be surveyed and suitable boundaries to be designated
as boundaries of the said town, to be placed at the beginning and at
the termination of each line and that the said commissioners or a
majority of them, shall cause a plot of the said survey to be made
and duly certified to be returned to and recorded in the office of the
clerk of Queen Ann's county court, among the land records of
said county.
Hog styes for-
3 And be it enacted, That no hog stye shall be erected, nor shall
hogs be kept in any other manner whatever, in said town or suffered
to go at large therein under the penalty of two dollars, to be recovered
of any person or persons so often as he, she or they shall erect such
stye or keep hogs in any other manner, or suffer them to go at large
as aforesaid, and the commissioners or a majority of them are hereby
authorised, empowered and directed to remove or cause to be re-
moved, any hog stye or hogs that may be found in said town or any
other nuisance whatever that may be deemed injurious to the health
of the citizens thereof.