Dec. Ses. 1823
the General Assembly are held, the expenses of which election shall
be defrayed by the said corporation in the same manner that the ex-
penses of other city elections are paid and borne.
to accept or
reject this act
16. And be it enacted, That if the said convention should disap-
prove of this act, then the same shall be void and of no force or effect
whatever; but if the said convention should approve of and adopt the
same, then they shall forthwith make their determination known to
the Mayor of the City of Baltimore, whose duty it shall be thereupon
to convene the city council, and if the mayor and city council shall
approve and confirm the determination of the said convention, then
they shall proceed immediately to appoint all officers, and make all
such provisions as may be necessary and proper for carrying this act
into full and complete execution, according to its true intent and
Time limi-
ted to com-
plete canal.
Time limi-
ted to adopt
or reject the
17. And be it enacted, That if the canal authorised to be made by
this act be not completed within fifteen years from the date hereof,
then this act shall be considered as repealed and abrogated
18. And be it enacted, That if the mayor and city council of Bal-
timore, shall not within two years after the passage hereof, call the
convention as prescribed by this act, and if the said convention, and
the mayor and city council, shall not assent to and adopt this law
within the time aforesaid, then and in such case all and every thing
herein contained shall cease, and be utterly void.
Passed Feb.
24, 1824.
An additional supplement to the act, entitled, an act to establish Pilots, and re-
gulate their fees, made and passed by the General Assembly of the state of
Maryland, at their November session, eighteen Hundred and three.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the first day of March next, it shall not be lawlul for
any pilot to charge or receive any greater reward or compensation
for his services, than is hereinafter expressed, to wit: for every vessel
from sea to Baltimore city, three dollars and fifty cents, and from said
city of Baltimore to sea, two dollars fifty cents, except in the months
of December, January and February, when they shall receive seventy
five cents in addition for each and every foot of water she shall draw;
and from the mouth of Potomac to Georgetown, and vice versa,
there shall be an addition of one fifth to the above rates, and so in
proportion for any less distance from any other port of this state to
sea, or from sea to any other port of this state, such distance to be
fixed by the said board of examiners, but no pilot shall receive any
reward or pay for any supernumerary inches under six, any thing in
any other act or law to the contrary notwithstanding.
2. And be it enacted, That an act, entitled, a further supplement to
the act, entitled, an act to establish pilots and regulate their fees,"
passed by the General Assembly of the state of Maryland, the se-
venteenth of February, eighteen hundred and nineteen, be, and the
same is hereby repealed.
Passed Feb.
24, 1824.
A further supplement to the act, entitled, an act to provide for the appointment
of commissioners for the regulation and improvement of the town of Cumber-
land, in Allegany County, and to incorporate the same.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from
and after the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for the com-
missioners of the town of Cumberland, in the imposition and levying