Art. 5. Twenty four trustees shall be elected, of whom twelve shall be
from the western shore, and twelve shall be from the eastern shore, to
be elected by the members of each shore respectively; they shall meet
as often as their respective chairman, or any two members may
deem it necessary and any three members shall constitute a quorum;
the trustees shall from time to time examine in person the manage-
ment and condition of such farms as they may consider objects
worthy of their attention, and they shall make report to the society
of such as may merit their approbation, they shall severally take
charge of all the property and articles of the society, on their res-
pective shores the books and papers of the other departments ex-
cepted; it shall be their duty to take samples of all the useful grains,
collecting and distributing the best samples of all the useful grains,
roots and seeds, for collecting all fossils, marls, earth or substances;
proper for manure, for causing the same to be analysed, and report
the result to the society; for procuring experiments, to be made by
careful agriculturists; of all such fossils, marls, earth or substances;
for collecting models of the best agricultural implements, and to
report their properties and usefulness, to designate from time to
time all subjects and objects for which premiums for the same, to ap-
point committees to examine into the merits of, & report on all claims
for premiums, to designate the time and make the requisite pre-
paratory arrangements every year for the meeting of the society, and
to keep regular minutes of all their proceedings; the trustees of each
shore shall have power to fill up from time to time such vacancies as
may occur in the respective boards.