county, into seven separate election districts and for other purposes,
be and the same is hereby confirmed.
Dec. Ses. 1822
An Act to repeal parts of the acts of Assembly therein mentioned
ana for other purposes.
Section. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all that part of the twentieth section of an act of Assembly,
passed at May session, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
hundred and sixty eight, chapter twenty nine, entitled. An act for
the relief of the poor of the several counties of this state, which
compels the trustees of the poor, or the overseer of the poor to place
badges upon the shoulders of paupers received into the poor house,
so far as the same relates to Worcester county, and all that part of
the tenth section of An act of Assembly, passed at December session
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one,
chapter one hundred and fifty-four, entitled, "An act tor the relief of
the poor of Worcester county, being supplementary to the act en-
titled, An act for the relief of the poor of the several counties of this
state, which compels the trustees of the poor of said county to hold
their meetings at the court house of said county, be and the same arc
hereby repealed.
Passed Dec.
18, 1822.
Parts of for-
mer laws re-
Sec. 2 And be it enacted, That the said trustees of the poor of
Worcester county, shall meet at the poor house of said county,
the Wednesday after the first Monday in January, and the Wednes-
day after the first Monday in June annually, and that all the other
meetings of the said Trustees, under the act entitled, An act for the
relief of the poor of the several counties of this state and the several
supplements thereto shall be subject to the appointment of the said
Meeting of
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That from and after the passage of this
act, the said trustees or the said overseer of the poor of Worcester
county, may at their discretion, use the badge described in the tenth
section of the act entitled, "An act for the relief of the poor of the
several counties of this state, in the manner prescribed by the said
tenth section of the said act.
An act to confirm An act entitled, An act to alter and change such parts
of the constitution and form of government, as relates to the division
of Anne Arundel county into election districts, and to change the
place of holding elections, in the second election district of said
Passed Dec
18, 1822.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That an act
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, enti-
tled, An act to alter and change such parts of the constitution and
form of government as relate to the division of Anne Arundel coun-
ty into election districts, and to change the place of holding elections
in the second election district of said county, shall be and the same
is hereby confirmed.
Act of 1832
An act to change and alter the names of William Trice, and Eliza
Trice of Caroline county, to William Medford and Eliza Medford.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the names of William Trice and Eliza Trice of Caroline coun-
Passed Dec.
19, 1822.