first session after such new election, as the constitution and form
of government directs, in such case this act, and the alterations of
the constitution therein contained, shall constitute and be valid as a
part of the said constitution and form of government, to all intents
and purposes, any thing therein contained to the contrary notwith-
Dec. Ses. 1822
An act to establish a Patrol in Calvert County.
Section 1. Re it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this law, it shall and may be lawful
for any two or more justices of the peace for Calvert county, upon
application by three or more judicious persons, to issue a requisi-
tion for as many inhabitants now subject to militia duty, as they
may think necessary, not exceeding fifteen in any one company, to
be denominated a patrol, the said justices of the peace to appoint
two discreet persons of the said patrol, under whose direction they
shall proceed to make diligent search through the said neighborhood
or district, as prescribed in the authority, for a period of not less
than four hours, nor more than eight hours, and to disperse all un-
lawful and riotous assemblages of coloured persons, and to appre-
hend and seize all negroes and slaves, or persons of colour, whom
they may have reason to suspect have unlawfully absented them-
selves from home, or have illegally emigrated from another state, or
are in any manner violating the laws of this state.
Passed Jan
30, 1823
2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said patrol,
or as many of them as are necessary, as soon as convenient, to take
all persons whom they may apprehend as aforesaid before some jus-
tice of the peace for said county, to be dealt with according to law.
3. And be it enacted, That if said patrol have reason to suspect
that any runaway negro slave, or person of colour, is concealed or
harboured in any dwelling or out house of any coloured person,
within their search, it shall be the duty of such patrol to demand of
1 the owner or occupant of such house to be admitted into the same,
for the purpose of making search as aforesaid, and if the owner or
occupant shall refuse to suffer such entry and search, it shall be law-
ful for such patrol to use all necessary force to effect the same, and
in any action of trespass or other suit brought by any owner or oc-
cupant for any entry made in virtue of this act, the defendant shall,
on the general issue plea, have liberty to give the special matter in
4. And be it enacted, That if any person named in such requisi-
tion or patrol, on being duly notified and summoned by such justice
of the peace, or by their authority, shall neglect or refuse to obey the
same, every such person so offending, shall be subject to pay a fine
not exceeding five dollars, nor less than fifty cents, to be recovered
as other small debts out of court now are, by warrant in the name
of the state, and the money so arising to be paid over to the levy
court for the use of said county.
An act for the benefit of the Commissioners of the tax for Baltimore
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy
court of Baltimore county be, and they are hereby authorised and
Passed Jan.
25, 1823.
Levy gll2.