DecSes. :a.
Passed Feb
half pay, pri-
Passed Doc
'-'0, 1822.
Kclutive tc
national ilc-
funcc, fits.
No. 70.
Reeolval, That the treasurer of the western shore, pay to Joseph Boon «
i. Ca.oluie county, or to his order annually, and in case of bis death to his cii
tutors in quarterly payments the half pay of a private, for the 'support an
maintenance of l.uwaru bhoebrook, during his life, as a compensation for sci
- vices rendered in the revolutionary war. *
No. 71.
Wirrea* The state of Man land is in a peculiar degi'ee dependent on that ai
ami protection, to secure which was the peat object of the confederation of the
i Imted States, and especially is exposed from its vast extent of navigable wo
ters, and the geographical position of the city of Baltimore, to the attacks of
maritime enemy, who, as has been demonstrated by the e-.t-ntsof the late wai
can harrass our citizens, plunder and destroy our property, possess themselve
of our territory, and prevent our necessary transactions, as far as a large nro
portion of our citizens are aHvci ed; jind wherra*, exemption from such dan
fierto the lives and exposure ol the fortunes of our cimeL/cn only be sec
ed to us. by the liberal application of those raea-.s, which the rood people <i
theI.mted btntcs have placed at thedisposal of the SovCi.,n,r,ft of the
or the common and general wcluie, and it is not only the soundest po
liuy, but the- best clii-.uite of prudent economy, to use thepciud when a t-enera
pe ire and the ordinary resonrcc-i ol our ctn.try uffortl oi-'iortuuitv to the en
vernincnt to provide fur the detects in our system, whi.'t'a'of w-ir Iit
disclosed, btkI to be prepared against a recurrence of injuries which may be re-
peated at a moment impossible by any political calculation to be anticiinted
tn ii- mherca3\}i 1S ilt..a11 tinVs lllu '(uty °.f 5he i-itizcnsof a free government
o deliberate on the policy nie isuresot those, to whom they have confidet1
tne ndiiiiiiiMrution of their political concerns, Mid on occusions when roi.ti-ric-
tyol opinion is entertained on mutters vitally affecting their best interest's t«
cxpi#ss their sentiments with candour and firmness.
We the members of the senate and house of delegates, acting as the repre-
5entati> esof (he people of Maryland, am! influenced by a bel;it that U is hiirh-
ly expedient in the present wtu.ition of our political concerns to announce the
opinions and wishes of the people of this state, in relation to such measures of
the government of the United btates. as have in view the better ucuritvof our
country against the approaches of a hostile maritime ferce, Do therefore
llnolvt; That we cordialy approve the efforts of the general rovcrnment
♦o foster our navy and to ciuise a progressive increase of this means of defence'
which experience has taught us to retard, as nccessaiy to our protection and of that high and damned character which has txallcd ouu
cnuntiy amongst the nations of the earth; that we cordially approve of evoJ!
cfioit of the LT-nerul government to extend and perfect a system of defci.cebv
Intermit ;m-
f.>nii>r.ations highly useful in other places and css.ciiti.illy necessary to'the wi-
ters of thtChesapeike and its tributary ri\ers; And ivfiereas, fron", the relative
position of this-state, und those vast sources of successful enteiprize and
wealth, the nvers IVtomac and husquehannah, as well as from the relation
of our lw-Kest city to an extensive district cf inland country it is of the
utmost iniportanee to our citizens that a sjstem of inlernal" impjwement
shall be vigorously pursued; J/irrrJon; We do further resolve.that v, e will hiirh-
ly r.] rrobiite end zealously co-operate with the general government, in the
mlnpiicn of Mich measures as will siflord to our country the facilities ahd advar-
tascs-wli-ch nature has [)laced in our control, and which a wise policy should in-
duce us to in.prove. *
Rnolvr.i, 1',»« n cr,]>y of the foregoing preamble and resolutions be folward-
•tl by the cNcouti v«- tocach of our soiiatom and representatives in coneress Vith
i request that i'i.y will co-operate in the promotfon of measures which in "the
;ense oftlie icjjihl.rturc arc l^-st calculated for the interests of the union athnre
;nd c«vccm!lyi»l ti«:.sV..te. w° '
Anticntum creek,bridge over, 7, S, T'O
Annf.-Arvxdel cv\)\tv—Election dis-
tricts 16,116
-----Pl.icc of hoH'.ng elections in 2d district 156
-----Levy on, authorised :)1» 116,139,18U, 205
-----Divisional line be'.wtn Ciilveit and, 109
>-----Relief of sundry poor persons in 180,205
Ali.kgaxy county—Levy court pro-
ceedings confirmed " 29
-----More effectual collection of charges in; 171
-----Levy on 139
Aksapolis—City of, relief of poor persons 180
—»—Time of electing the mayor, &c.
changed ' 212
Addison, Anthony, benefit of CHA&
Agriculture, board'of trustees of, for Mont- \
gomery county j^
Assessment in Ilaltimore & county 150
Ait kens, 1 homas, levy for support of 198
AViili.n company incorporated 199
Acts of assembly continued in force 209
Bridges—Over Antieatum creek 7 8
-----rHtuxent river at Queen Ann 31
------ 1 uckahoe creek 49
—1- Kent Island narrows, (tu/iftfemcnt) 77
------Nanticoke river, (nu/i/tlement) 7H
-—- Severn nver, company incorporated 68