act, and the directions of a supplement to. the act to erect a town in
Queen Ann's county, passed at December session, seventeen hun-
dred and ninety-six, and the provision*, of an act to erect a town in
Queen Ann's county, passed at December session, seventeen hun-
dred and ninety-four, without favour, partiality or prejudice; and a
certificate of such qualification shall be made and returned by such
justice of the peace to said commissioners, to be filed and recorded
among their proceedings.
Dec Ses. 1822
4. And be it enacted, That from and after the passage of this act,
the first and second sections of a supplement to an act, entitled, An
act to erect a town in Queen Ann's county, passed December session,
one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, be, and the same are
hereby repealed and made null and void.
A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to incorporate a company to
make a turnpike road from Boonsborough, in Washington country, to
the Potomac river.
Whereas doubts have arisen, whether the president, managers
and company of the Boonsborough turnpike road company, have here-
tofore proceeded with regularity in the election of their several officers.,
and whether their elections have been heretofore held according to
the direction of the act of assembly incorporating said company, for
the curing all defects in their aforesaid elections, and for the pre-
venting of all doubts in relation thereto hereafter.
Passed Feb.
24, 1823.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
all defects and irregularities in the elections heretofore held and
made of the officers of the president, managers and company of the
Boonsborough turnpike road company, are, and shall be hereby
cured; and that the president, managers and officers of the said com-
pany, elected on the fourth Monday of September last, be, and they
are hereby declared to be duly chosen, and that they shall have and ex-
ercise the same powers, rights and immunities, as it their election had
been certainly and precisely according to the act of assembly passed
at December session, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, chap-
ter seventy-one, incorporating said company.
Election con-
2. And be it enacted, That the subscribers and stockholders of
said company, shall hereafter meet on the fourth Monday of Sep-
tember in every year, to make election of their officers according to
the directions of the act of assembly above specified, and that their
said election shall be held by two justices of the peace, or in such
other manner as the by-laws of the said corporation may hereafter
prescribe. "
Annual elec-
3. And be it enacted, That from and after the passage of this act,
the president, managers and company aforesaid, or any person pro-
ceeded against by them, for a violation of the law of eighteen hun-
dred and fourteen, chapter seventy one aforesaid, shall have a right
to appeal to the county court from the judgment of a justice of the
peace, and the same shall be taken up as in cases of small debts by
said court, and determined according to the law of the land and the
right of the matter.
Right of ap-
An act to provide for the speedy collection of the public revenue.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
all county clerks and sheriffs shall hereafter pay into the treasury of
Passed Feb.
24, 1823.
Payment 1st
May & 1st of