Dec. Ses. 1821.
ing them, and the surplus, one half thereof shall he paid to the
constable for his trouble, and the other half to be by him paid over
to the Hydrant Company, to be applied by them towards keeping
in order the pipes and hydrant of said town.
Constable not
executing his
3. And be it enacted, That if any constable of the said town
shall neglect or refuse to execute any of the duties imposed by this
act, he shall forfeit and pay to the said Hydrant Company, the sum
of five dollars for each and every omission of his said duty, to be
recovered by the said Hydrant Company before any justice of the
peace for Charles county as other small debts are recovered, and
the money thus arising be applied by the said company in the same
manner that the fines and forfeitures upon Reese and swine are
herein before directed to be, any law to the contrary notwithstand-
Passed Jan. 26,
An act declaring the assent of the Legislature to a conveyance of
lands in Harford county, made in trust for the benefit of the Preach-
ers of the Methodist Episcopal Church that may have families on
Harford Circuit.
Assent given.
Sec. 1. BE it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the assent of the legislature be, and the same is hereby given
to the conveyance of lands from William Murphey, of Harford
county, made on the twenty-first day of December eighteen hun-
dred and sixteen, to William Allen, James Billingslea, Godfry Wa-
ters, Thomas Merideth, Benjamin Richardson, Isaac Webster,
John Daugharty, Richard Ward and John Rutledge, and their suc-
cessors in trust, for the accommodation of preachers of the Me-
thodist Episcopal Church who may travel on the Harford circuit
that may have families, which lands consists of parts of lots num-
bers thirteen and fourteen, in the village or town of Abingdon, in
Harford county.
2. And be it enacted, That the said trustees shall have pow-
er to fill up vacancies that may happen from time to time by death,
resignation or otherwise, in their board, and that the said trustees
and their successors be, and the same are hereby declared competent
in law to hold the said lands for the uses and purposes aforesaid.
May sue, &c.
3. And be it enacted, That the trustees aforesaid be, and
they are hereby declared to be competent in law, to sue and be
sued, plead and be impleaded, in every case, claim or dispute con-
nected with or growing out of the lands mentioned in the said con-
Exempt from
4. And be it enacted, That the said lands shall be exempt
from county or state tax.
Passed Jan. 26,
—their duty.
A further additional supplement to the act entitled, An act to regulate
Sec. 1. Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Thomas Emory, Daniel C. Hopper, James Roberts, Tristram
Thomas and William Jacobs, be, and they are hereby appointed
and authorised, or a majority of them, or a majority of the survivors
of them, commissioners to lay off Queen Ann's county into four se-
parate election districts in conformity to the act entitled, "An act to