Dec. Ses. 1821.
Professors to
give bond.
sity as may have been audited as aforesaid, to an amount not ex-
ceeding thirty thousand dollars.
' 7. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said
treasurer to require the medical professors of the University of
Maryland, annually to enter into bond, jointly and severally to the
state of Maryland, to be conditioned for the payment of one year's
interest on the said sum of thirty thousand dollars, to be made to
the said treasurer in four quarterly payments; and upon such pro-
fessors or any of them refusing or neglecting to execute the bond
as aforesaid at a time to be specified by the said treasurer, it shall
be his duty to give information thereof to the attorney general, who
shall thereupon order and direct the clerk of Baltimore county
court, to issue a summons returnable immediately before said
court, or one of the judges thereof, and upon such professor or
professors refusing or neglecting to appear before said court or
judge, or upon his or their appearing and refusing to give the bond
as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the said court or judge, to or-
der the sheriff of Baltimore county, to take into and keep in his
custody the said professor or professors, until he or they shall ex-
ecute said bond.
Bond to be fil-
8. And be it enacted, That the said bond when executed,
shall be filed in the clerk's office of Baltimore county court, and a
suit at any time may be sustained on an office copy thereof; arm that
the treasurer shall not pay any order drawn by the said commissi-
oners until a certificate from the clerk of Baltimore county court
shall be exhibited to him, stating that the said bond had been filed
in the office of said clerk.
Felony to
9. And be it enacted, That it shall be deemed and taken to
be felony to forge or counterfeit any certificate of said stock, or any
letter of attorney for the transfer thereof; and any person so offend-
ing shall be held liable to the same penalties and forfeitures as are
at present attached to the forging or counterfeiting bank notes in
this state.
Proceeds of
bonus to be a
sinking fund—
$500 annually
to be added.
10. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of the Western
Shore, be, and he is hereby authorised and directed to make an in-
vestment of any bonus or premium which may be given for said
stock, in such funds as he may deem expedient, and the amount
thus vested shall be constituted a sinking fund, under the direction
of the Treasurer, for the eventual extinguishment of the debt created
by this act; and the Treasurer is further authorised and directed to
appropriate yearly and every year, the sum of five hundred dollars
out of any unappropriated money of the treasury, until in his judg-
ment a sufficient sum shall be obtained for the extinguishment of
the debt created by this act, which said five hundred dollars shall be
added to the bonus or premium to be vested by this act; and the
whole amount thus created shall remain specifically appropriated to
the final redemption of the stock hereby created; and the Treasurer
shall every year add the accruing interest upon the said invest-
ments to the principal, in that way to accumulate for the benefit of
the state.