the court shall award to such tenant mo-
vious notice to be given by the commis-
ney in lieu thereof, (§ 36)
sioners, &c. (§ 50)
—— Where a tenant by the curtesy be-
—— The proceedings of the commis-
comes entitled after the return of the
sioners stating that due notice had been
commissioners, and before a sale. &c.
given, &c. shall be prima facie evidence
the return to he altered, &c (§ 37)
that notice had been given according to
Where a person is entitled by deed or de-
law, (§ 51)
vise to a life estate in an undivided part
The acts of 1786, ch. 45, 1799, ch. 49,
of an intestate's estate, the same proceed-
1802, ch. 91, 1805, ch. 119; 1809, ch.
ings to be had as directed with regard to
160, 1810, ch. 28, 1811, ch. 200, 1812,
tenancies by the curtesy, (§ 38
ch. 68, ch. 181, 1814, ch. 109, 1815, ch.
—— Where entitled to the remainder
205, 1819, ch 15 , and the 6th section
after such life estate, the same proceed-
1797, ch 114, repealed, (§ 52)
ings to be had as directed where a per-
All estates which may have descended
son is entitled, subject to a tenancy by
before the passage of this act, and du-
the curtesy, (§ 38)
ring the continuance of the acts repeal-
——— Where entitled to an undivided part
ed, and all rights acquired thereunder,
by devise in fee. the same proceedings to
are subject to the provisions therein
be had as directed with regard to pur-
contained, &c.
chasers, (§ 9)
Devise and Devisee Where any person
Where all the commissioners shall die,
is entitled by devise to a life estate in an
leaving the commission or any order,
undivided part of the real estate of an
&c unexecuted, others may be appoint.
intestate, there shall be the same pro-
ed for completing the execution, &c.
ceedings as are directed with regard to
(§ 4 )
tenancies by the curtesy, c. (§ 38)
—— Warrants to issue to such new
—— When entitled to a remainder after
commissioners, who shall proceed in the
such life estate, the same proceedings
execution of the original commission,
as where a person is entitled subject to a
&c. (§ 41)
tenancy by the curtesy.
—— The oath to be taken by them,
Where entitled by devise in fee.
—— They shall make a return of their
the same proceedings as directed with
proceedings which shall have a like ef-
regard in purchasers, (§ 39)
fect as if done by the original commis-
Where any person shall devise lands,
sioners, (§ 42)
&c. to two or more persons as joint te-
If a majority of the commissioners shall
nants or tenants in common, the county
qualify they may proceed to act, &c.
court may issue a commission to divide
(§ 43)
the same, &c. (§ 48)
Where lands lie in different counties, in
—— The commissioners to take an
the same judicial district, application
oath and proceed to make division
for a division &c. may be made to the
agreeably to the will of the deceased,
county court of the county where the
(§ 49)
greatest part of the lands may lie, (§ 44)
Dickins, Elizabeth. Authorised to re-
——— Where lands lie adjoining, but in
move slaves, &c
different counties of different judicial
Discovery On bill to obtain a discovery,
districts, application, &c. may be made
and the defendant being summoned fails
to the court of the county where the
to appear or answer, bill to be taken pro
greatest portion of the lands may lie,
confesso, &c.
(§ 45)
Distress. See Rent, and
—— Where lands not adjoining lie in
Districts. See Election Districts.
different, judicial districts, application,
Dorchester County Bridge to be built
&c. may be made in the several dis-
over Oyster Creek, &c.
tricts to the respective county courts
Levy court to meet annually on the
where the greatest portion of the lands
third Monday in April,
may lie, (§ 46)
—— To allow the children of Levin Le-
—— The same proceedings to be had
compte for monies overpaid by them
on all such applications as if the lands
for county charges, &c.
lay in one county, (§ 47)
Dorsey, Ely of Ely Frederick county
Devisees, being of age, may apply for
court may decree, &c. on bill to be filed
division of lands devised to them as joint
by him against the representatives of
tenants or tenants in common, and com-
Charles Ridgely,
missioners shall be appointed to make
Dower. The act to direct descents not to
partition, &c. (§ 48)
bar or affect any widow's right of dow-
——— The commissioners so appointed
er, (§ 6)
shall take an oath, and proceed to di-
—— The widow's dower to be laid off
vide the lands agreeably to the will of
before the estate is divided, (§ 27)
the deceased, &c. (§ 49)
—— If she consents to a sale, &c the
Where any of the parties interested re-
court may award to her a proportion of
side out of the state, two months pre-