authorised to sell and dispose of, in the manner hereinafter men-
tioned, not more than five hundred copies of his work, known
and called by the name of "Niles' Weekly Register," in twenty-
one volumes, including the general index thereto, at the rate of
seventy-four dollars and seventy -five cents per copy, not more
than five hundred copies of the second scries of the same work,
in eight volumes, at the rate of twenty eight dollars per copy;
and not more than five thousand copies of a hook entitled, Prin-
ciples and Acts of the Revolution, in one volume, at the rate of
three dollars and seventy-five cents per copy, all the said copies
being neatly and well bound and lettered.
CHAP. 165.
2. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of disposing of said
books, the said Niles may propose a scheme of a lottery, to be
approved of by the lottery commissioners, on the following prin-
ciples: The whole amount or value of the said books shall not
exceed the sum of sixty-five thousand dollars, at the rates above
mentioned, and the scheme shall be so arranged, that each ticket,
the price of which shall not exceed ten dollars, shall be entitled
to one or more copies of the said copies or sets of books respec-
For disposing of
books may pro-
pose a scheme of
a lottery, &c.
3. And be it enacted, That William Stewart, Ebenezer L. Fin-
ley, Sheppard C. Leakin, William Meeteer, Thomas Murphy,
Thomas R. Buchanan and John Berry, be and they are hereby
appointed managers of the said lottery, who shall proceed to
draw the same under the superintendance and direction of the
lottery commissioners, in pursuance of the act passed at Decem-
ber session eighteen hundred and seventeen, entitled, An act for
regulating lotteries.
Managers ap-
4. And be it enacted, That the said lottery shall be drawn with-
out being subject to any tax whatsoever, provided the said Niles
before he sells or offers to dispose of any tickets in the said lot-
tery, shall give bond to the state, of Maryland, with securities
approved of by the lottery commissioners, in the amount or value
of the books proposed to he disposed of, conditioned for the de-
livery in Baltimore, (within six months after the drawing of the
said lottery shall he completed.) of book or books which may be
drawn to the number of each and every ticket respectively, to
the person or persons entitled to receive the same; and further
conditioned also, that if the said lottery shall not be drawn with-
in two years from the passage of this act, he shall refund all mo-
nies to each and every person or persons who may have advanced
the same, in any manner whatsoever, for tickets in the, said lottery.
Lottery not sub-
ject to tax.
5. And be it enacted, That if the said lottery shall not be drawn
within two years after the passage of this act, then all right and
authority to draw the same, hereby granted, shall cease and ter-
If not drawn in
two years right to
An Act incorporating into one the several Acts relating to Constables Fees.
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That no
constable, by reason or colour of his office, shall have, receive,
or take of any person or persons, directly or indirectly, any
greater fees which shall arise or become due by virtue of their office,
than are hereafter limited and allowed by this act. For serving state
Passed Feb. 14, 1821.
Fees allowed.