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Session Laws, 1820
Volume 625, Page 104   View pdf image
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to be the note or bill of any bank, corporation or company what-
ever, of a less denomination than five dollars, or of any inter-
mediate denomination between five and ten dollars, such servant
or officer shall forfeit, and pay the sum of twenty dollars for every
such offence, to be recovered by indictment and conviction in the
county court of the county where the offence shall have been com-
mitted, or in the city court of Baltimore, if the offence shall have
been committed in the city of Baltimore.

CHAP. 150.

2. And be it enacted, That a note or hill by or in the name of
any officer or servant of any bank, corporation or company, as
such, purporting to be in the name of any officer of any bank,
corporation or company, as such, shall and the same is hereby de-
clared to he, within the provisions of this law, and subject to the
enactments herein contained.

Notes in the name
of any officer, &c
declared within
the meaning of
this law.

3. And be it enacted. That from and after the commencement
of this act, if any person shall pass or offer to pass, receive or
offer to receive, any note or bill, or any paper purporting to be
the note or bill of any bank, corporation or company whatever,
not chartered by this state, of a less denomination than five dol-
lars, or of any intermediate denomination between five dollars
and fen dollars, he shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the
sum of five dollars current money, to be recovered in the manner
herein before mentioned.

Penalty for re-
ceiving notes less
than five dollars
of any bank not
chartered by state.

4. And be it enacted, That this act shall commence and be in
operation from and after the first day of June next.

When to com-

5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the several
county courts in this state, and of the city court of Baltimore, to
give this act especially in charge to the grand juries of their
respective courts.

Act to be given in
charge to grand


An Act to authorise James Stevens and Mary Ann, alias Anna Maria, his Wife,
to lease the Lot or parcel of Ground therein mentioned

WHEREAS James Stevens and Mary Ann, alias Anna Maria,
his wife, by their petition to this general assembly have re-
presented, that Christian Keener, the father of the said Mary
Ann alias Anna Maria, by his last will and testament in writing,
duly made and published, and recorded in the register of wills
office for Baltimore county, did order and direct his executors to
divide and lay off his real estate into seven equal lots or shares,
one of which he devised to the said Mary Ann alias Anna Maria,
during life, and after her death to all her children, their heirs and
assigns, in equal proportions; that in conformity to the said will,
the executors did divide and lay off the said estate into seven
equal shares, that the said Mary Ann alias Anna Maria under
the will being entitled to the first choice, obtained share No. 3,
which included a vacant lot of ground No. 13, as distinguished
on the said Christian Keener's plot, fronting on Light-street
wharf twenty-four feet, extending back, westerly eighty feet, and
estimated at the price of six thousand dollars; that the said lot of
ground, although valuable in itself, is totally unproductive, and
yields no benefit to the petitioners, nor is it likely to yield any
under present circumstances; that it would tend greatly to pro-
mote the interest of the petitioners, and children, if they could

Passed Feb. 13, 1821


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Session Laws, 1820
Volume 625, Page 104   View pdf image
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