Of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Public Monty, for the
Year ending September 30th, 1857, furnished in obedience
to the twentieth section of the third article of the Constitution,
and the Act of Assembly passed at January session, 1854,
chapter 16.
ANNAPOLIS, April 26, 1858.
There was received into the Treasury, in the year
ended 30th September 1857, the sum of $1,384-
765.40, on the following accounts, viz:
From Auction Duties, (See Table No. 4.) .........
$16,232 84
" Auctioneers' Licences, (see Table No. 4.)......
5,000 00
" Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, for one-fifth of
receipts from passengers on Washington
Branch Hood, (see Table No. 5) .........
76,038 16
" Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, for interest on
Sterling Bonds, converted, (see Table No.5 )
22,899 35
" Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, for intercut on
Dividend Bond No. 141, (see Table No. 5.)
600 00
" Bank Stock — for dividends, (see Table No. 13.)
40,215 36
" Excess of Fees over and above the sum limited
by the Constitution, and under ch. 444, of
1853, (see Table No. 2.)...................
5,668 02
" Fines and Forfeitures, (see Tables No. 3 & 16 )
4,126 19
" Direct Taxes, (see Table No. 1 .)............
233,303 03
'* Hay Scales in Baltimore, (see Table No. 12.) .
863 84
" Interest on Personal Accounts, (see Table
No. 1, 2. 3, 9, 16.)...................
3,914 30
" Live Stock Scales in Baltimore, (see Table
No. 12.).............................
6,394 95
" The Land Office, (see Table No. 8.)...........
443 07
" Licenses to Agents of Foreign Corporations, (see
Table No. 10.)........................
2,400 00
" Licenses from Clerks of Courts, (see Table
No. 2.)................................
244,873 31
" Laws and Documents, (see Table 2.)..........
2 85
" Maryland Consolidated Lotteries, (see Table
No. 11.)..............................
51,000 00
" Northern Central Rail Road Company, (see
Table No. 5. )........................
90,000 00
From Road Stock— for Dividends, (see Table No. 13
90,636 00
" Susquehanna & Tide-Water Canal Companies
(see Table 5.) ........................
40,559 70
" State Tobacco Warehouses in Baltimore, (see
Table No. 6.).........................
51,652 49
" State Wharves, in Baltimore, (see Table No. 12
1,543 95
" State Colonization Tax, (see Table No. 11)..
42 07