be sold or bartered in quantities less than a pint
at any one time, it shall be the duty of such per-
son or persons, body or bodies corporate, to apply
to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county in
which such applicant may reside, or if said appli-
cant reside in the city of Baltimore, then to the
Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas therefor, and
upon such application the said applicant shall be
recommended by two respectable freeholders of
his immediate vicinity, and shall state to said clerk
on oath or affirmation, to he by said clerk adminis-
tered, the rate of rent or annual value of the house
or place in which the business to be authorised by
the license may be done or be intended to be done ;
and if it shall appear that the rate of renter annual
value of said house, part or portion of the house or
place, does not or shall not exceed fifty dollars,
then it shall be the duty of said clerk before grant-
ing said license to demand and receive therefor the
sum of fifty dollars; and if it shall appear from
such statement that such rate of rent or annual
value of said house or place does not or shall not
exceed one hundred dollars, then the sum of sev-
enty-five dollars; and if the rate of rent or annual
value does or shall exceed one hundred dollars
and does not or shall not exceed two hundred dol-
lars, then the sum of one hundred dollars; and if
the rate of rent or annual value does or shall ex-
ceed two hundred dollars and does not or shall
not exceed three hundred dollars, then the sum
of one hundred and twenty-five dollars; and if the
rate of rent or annual value docs or shall exceed
three hundred dollars and does not or shall not
exceed five hundred dollars, then the sum of one
hundred and fifty dollars; and if the rate of rent
or annual value does or shall exceed five hundred
dollars and does not or shall not exceed one thou-
sand dollars, then the sum of two hundred dol-
lars; and if the rate of rent or annual value does
or shall exceed one thousand dollars and does not
or shall not exceed two thousand dollars, then the
sum of two hundred and fifty dollars; and if the
rate of rent or annual value does or shall exceed
two thousand dollars, then the sum of three hun-
dred dollars shall be demanded and received by
the said clerk before granting to the applicant