may sell the same for the benefit of the company,
for any sum not under their par value, and that
they, or a majority of them, shall have power to
borrow money for the objects of this act, to issue
certificates, or other evidence of such loans, and
to pledge the property of the company for the
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall be ne-
cessary for the said Towsontown Railroad Com-
pany in the selection of the route, or construction
of the road by them to be laid out and con-
structed, or any part of it, to connect the same
with, or use any railroad, turnpike road, or
bridge, made or erected by any company or per-
sons incorporate, or authorised by any law of this
State, it shall be lawful for the said president
and directors, or a majority of them, and they
are hereby authorised to contract and agree with
any other such corporation or persons for the
right to use such road, bridge, or for transfer of
any of the corporate or other rights or privileges
of such corporation or persons to the said com-
pany hereby incorporated, and every such other
corporation and persons incorporated by or acting
under any law of this State, is and are hereby
authorised to make such agreement, contract or
transfer by and through the agency of the persons
authorised by their respective acts of incorporation
to exercise their corporate powers as by any law of
this State are entrusted with the direction and
management of such railroad, turnpike road or
bridge, or any of the rights, privileges aforesaid,
and every contract, agreement or transfer made
in pursuance of the power and authority hereby
granted, when executed by the several parties
under their respective corporate seals, or other-
wise legally authenticated, shall vest in the com-
pany hereby incorporated; and such road, part of
a road, right and privileges, and the right to use
and enjoy the same as fully to all intents and
purposes as they now are or might be used and
exercised by the said corporation or persons in
whom the same are now vested.
Company au-
thorised to
make con-
tracts, &c.