Maryland, be and the same is hereby changed to
Daniel Taylor Hart; and it shall be lawful for the
said Daniel Hart Taylor at all times hereafter, to
be called and known by, and hold and use the
name of Daniel Taylor Hart, and by that name
to hold, receive, purchase, sell, convey or devise
property, whether real or personal, and to sue or
be sued in any court of law, or equity, or else-
SEC 2. Awl be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to authorise the Sheriff of Cecil county
to summon a panel of jurors and return the
same to an adjourned term of the Circuit Court
for Cecil county, to be held on the third Mon-
day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty-
Passed Janu-
ary 8, 1858.
WHEREAS, It is represented to this General Assem-
bly, that the October term of the Circuit Court
for Cecil county has been adjourned to the third
Monday of January, eighteen hundred and fifty-
eight, and the panel of jurors summoned by the
late Sheriff of said county has been discharged,
so that when said adjourned session of said
court is held, it is apprehended there will be no
jurors summoned for the trial of issues of fact
pending before said court, and whereas doubts
exist whether the Sheriff of said county is au-
thorised by law to summon a panel of jurors
and return the same to said adjourned term of
said court, Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Sheriff of Cecil county
is hereby authorized and empowered forthwith to
summon a panel of jurors, as now by law re-
quired, at the regular terms of the courts of this
Sheriff autho-
rised to sum-
mon jury.