Power to ap-
point and re-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the directors
of said company, three of whom shall always
constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi-
ness, shall select one of their own number to act
as President of said company, who shall have
such powers and authority, and perform such du-
ties as President as may be prescribed by the by-
laws of said company, and the said directors shall
have power to appoint and remove all officers,
agents and servants of the said company, to man-
age and conduct all its business of every kind, to
borrow money at any time, and from time to time
as in their judgment the exigencies of the com-
pany may require, and to execute, if deemed by
them necessary and expedient, any deed or deeds
of mortgage as security for the fulfillment by said
company of any of its contracts or other lia-
Invested with
power and au-
SEC. 8...And be it enacted, That the said com-
pany be, and is hereby invested with all and sin-
gular the rights, powers and authority, which are
necessary to enable it to locate, construct and
maintain such rail road or rail roads as the direc-
tors may deem necessary for the convenient tran-
saction of its business, beginning at or near the
mines of said company and running to such point
or points in Allegany county, as will enable said
company to connect the same with any other rail
road now constructed, or which may hereafter be
constructed, and may at any point on its own land
or upon any other lands which it may acquire by
gift, purchase or condemnation, connect such rail
roads with any other rail road now constructed or
to be constructed thereon, and in lieu of con-
structing any such rail roads as herein authorised,
or in addition thereto, the said company may pur-
chase, lease, hold and maintain any other rail
road or rail roads, or other roads or ways, water
courses, or channels of transportation already
constructed or hereafter to be constructed, with
all the rights, powers, and franchises connected
Mode of pro-
ceeding in a
cue of condem-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said com-
pany in locating and constructing any rail road
or rail roads authorised by this act, shall have
the right if they cannot agree with the owners of
any lands, earth, gravel, stone or materials,