said road is subscribed tor, no further subscrip-
tion shall be received.
Width of road.
SEC. 8. And be if, enacted, That the said Com-
pany, shall cause to be made upon the bed of the
present county road, leading from the town of
Bel-air to the Hickory, an artificial road of stone,
the bed of which shall be at least sixteen feet
wide, and in no place less than twelve inches
Toll gate to be
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That it shall and
may be lawful for the Company, to erect one toll-
gate on said road, and to charge and receive the
same rates of toll, as are demanded and received
by the Bel-air Turnpike Company, incorporated
at December session, eighteen hundred and forty-
nine, chapter four hundred and ninety-two; Pro-
vided, that no tolls shall be charged or received
upon said road, until at least two miles thereof,
shall have been finished according to the provis-
ions of this act; and the said Bel-air and Hickory
Turnpike Road Company, is hereby invested and
clothed with all and singular the rights, privile-
ges, immunities and advantages, not inconsistent
with the provisions of this act, that are held, used
and possessed by the said Bel-air Turnpike Com-
pany, and shall be governed by the same regula-
tions, and subject to the same fines and penalties
and restrictions, as the said Bel-air Turnpike
Company now is, where the same are not incon-
sistent with the provisions of this act.
Authorised to
charge toll.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That all persons
whatsoever, travelling on said road, shall be
chargeable with tolls, as provided in the ninth
section of this act; Provided, that no funeral pro-
cession, or persons passing to or from church, or
from one part of his or her farm, to another
thereof, shall be chargeable with toll.
Not to exer-
cise banking
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That nothing herein
contained, shall be held to authorise the said cor-
poration to exercise any banking powers, or issue
any note, token or device, to circulate as currency ;
and the Legislature reserves the right to amend
or alter this act at any time.
In force.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That this act shall
be in force from its passage.