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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 702   View pdf image
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319. An act for the relief of Aquila Wiles, of Harford county.

320. An act to relieve James A. Waddle, of Dorchester county,
from certain colonization taxes, due the State of Maryland, eigh-
leen hundred and thirty-eight and eighteen hundred and thirty-

321. An act for the relief of Edward A. Talbott, late Sheriff of
Howard county,
sion, eighteen hundred and fifty four, chapter three hundred and

322. An act supplementary to an act passed at January ses-
twenty-five, entitled, an act relating to the trial of facts ill the sev-
eral circuit courts of this State.

323. An act to amend the charter of the Pickell Mining Com-

324. An act to incorporate the Mutual Insurance Company, of
Charles county.

325. An act to change the place of holding the elections in the
seventh election district of Washington county.

326. An act to authorise the Orphans' Courts of this State to
order the sale or location, transfer or assignment of land warrants,
issued to minor heirs of deceased soldiers.

327. An act amendatory of an act passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and fifty-three, chapter one hundred and fifty-
three, entitled, an act to incorporate the Baltimore and Potomac
Railroad Company.

328. An act making appropriations for the support of the Gov-
ernment for the year ending on the first day of January, eighteen
hundred and fifty-eight.

329. An act to incorporate the Franklin Savings Bank, of Fred-

330. An act to authorise a single justice of the peace to bind
out apprentices in Somerset county.

331. An act to amend an act entitled, an act to incorporate the
Presbyterian church in the city of Baltimore.

332. A supplement to an act entitled, an act to authorise the
construction of a branch to the Liberty and Franklin Plank or
Turnpike Road, from Jamison's Mills, to change the name of the
same, and for other purposes.

333. An act to limit the places for retailing certain articles in
the City of Baltimore.

334. An act to incorporate the Maryland Iron and Bolt Manu-

335. A supplement to an act entitled, an act to incorporate the
town of Westminster, in Carroll county, by the name of the city
of Westminster, passed at December session, eighteen hundred
and forty-nine, chapter two hundred and ninety-nine.


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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 702   View pdf image
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