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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 596   View pdf image
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596 INDEX.




delinquents and supplements thereof, and to
authorise the appointment of managers on
the part of the State, &c.; and appropriating
for the aid and benefit and support of the
House of Refuge, the annual sum of ten

thousand dollars for five successive years,

Act to appropriate a sum of money to

pay Richard B. Carmichael, Grafton L. Du-
lany, and D. C H. Emory, for their services
as arbitrators, under the act of December
session, 1846, chapter 347, entitled a sup-
plement to an act for the relief of Pass-



more McCullough,

Act for the preservation, security, and
keeping in order the public buildings, and
custody of the Fire Apparatus belonging to
the State, and appropriating a sum of mo-



ney therefor,

Act for the relief of the commissioners of



Montgomery county,

Act making, for the support of the Govern-
ment, for the year ending on the 1st day of



January, 1858,

Act for the relief of William Weber, John
D. Toy and Schley & Haller, for printing
the reports of the Commissioners to revise,
simplify and abridge the rules of practice
and pleadings, &c., and for the relief of
Thomas E. Martin, for Legislative print-




Act making, for the support of the Govern-
ment, for the year ending on the 1st day of



January, 1857,

Act appropriating a sum of money for
the payment of the claims of Iglehart &
Caldwell, Samuel Brooks, John E. Stalker,
McDowell & Gable, George Jacob v, Rich-
ard R. Conner, Emanuel Dadds, Dennis
C. Thompson, Thomas A. Mitchell, Thom-
as Brewer, Lewis F. Gootee, William Har-
wood, James Hopkins, James H. League,



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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 596   View pdf image
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