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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 563   View pdf image
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property, real,personal and mixed, in which the capital
stock of the bank, hereby incorporated, shall be in-
vested, in common with similar property of any other
corporation of this State.

SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the said bank '
shall pay to the Treasurer of the State the sum of i
twenty cents upon the amount of every hundred dol-
lars, subscribed and actually paid in, for each and
every year, during the continuance of its charter,
which sum shall be, and the same is hereby pledged
by the State, as a fund for the purpose of supporting
free schools, to be equally divided among the sev-
eral counties of this State, and paid over in equal
proportions, to such persons in each county, as the

To pay to trea-
surer for use of
free schools.

Legislature have appointed or may hereafter appoint;
Provided, That the said bank shall be subject to the
limitation, restriction, and taxation for the use of
the school fund, provided in the act entitled, an act to
continue the corporate existence of the several banking
institutions therein mentioned, passed at January ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, chapter four
hundred and forty-one, and the act entitled, an act to
repeal so much of the act of eighteen hundred and
fifty-three, chapter four hundred and forty-one, as re-
stricts the issue of bank notes by the several banking
corporations in this State, to the amount of capital
actually paid in, passed at January session, eighteen
hundred and fifty-four, chapter one hundred and fifty-


SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the limitations
and restrictions contained in the ant of January ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, chapter four
hundred and forty-one, entitled, an act to continue
the corporate existence of the several banking insti-
tutions therein mentioned, and the limitations and re-
strictions contained in the act of January session, eigh-
teen hundred and fifty-four, chapter one hundred and
fifty-two, entitled, an act to repeal so much of the act
of eighteen hundred and fifty-three, chapter four hun-
dred and forty-one, as restricts the issue of bank note's
by the several banking corporations in this State to
the amount of the capital actually paid in, and they
are hereby applied to the bank herein incorporated.

Provisions of
acts relative to
the banks of
this State to

SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after the date of its passage, and shall
continue in force until the first day of January, in the
year eighteen hundred and eighty, and until the^end

To take effect.

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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 563   View pdf image
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