and House of Delegates; for the payment of Rachel
A. Brewer, for washing towels for Senate Chamber;
for the payment of James Revell, for services rendered
in preparing a list of the military officers in commis-
sion under an order of the House of Delegates; for
the payment of John Wesley White, for articles fur-
nished Maryland Legislature; to J. Iglehart & Co.,
eighteen dollars and seventy four cents, for articles
furnished the Legislature, and J. Weatherby & Co.,
thirteen dollars and thirteen cents, for work done
in the State House.
Treasurer to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer,
on the warrant of the Comptroller, be and he is
authorised to pity Iglehart & Caldwell, twelve dollars
and seventy three cents; to Samuel Brooks, fifteen
dollars; to John K. Stalker, ninety two dollars and
sixty one cents: to McDowell & Gable, one hundred
dollars; to George Jacoby, seventeen dollars; to Rich-
ard R. Conner, fifty two dollars and eleven cents; to
Emanuel Dadds, thirty dollars; to D. C. Thompson,
eighty dollars; to Thomas A. Mitchell, twenty nine
dollars and ninety four cents; to Thomas Brewer, fif-
teen dollars; to Lewis F. Gootee, twelve dollars; to
William Harwood, one hundred and fifty dollars; to
James Hopkins, one dollar; to James H. League, five
dollars; to William S. Clayton, twenty six dollars and
twenty six cents; to Thomas J. Earickson, six dol-
lars; to Alexander Ridgaway, six dollars; to James
Murray, forty five dollars and thirty two cents to
Nicholas Brewer, thirty dollars; to Mary Sullivan,
fifteen dollars; to Riley & Ridgely, thirty dollars; to
John Smith (colored) twenty seven dollars and eighty
one cents; to Rachel A. Brewer, five dollars and
eighty eight cents, to James Revell, fifty two dollars;
and to John Wesley White, five hundred and thirty
seven dollars and twenty seven cents.