bound copies of the laws, journals and documents,
and Maryland reports to the clerks and registers of
Wills of this State, and to the Governors of the
several States, seventy-five dollars; to the Executive
for the contingent fund, provided in the constitution,
to be placed at his disposal, six thousand dollars; to
the contingent fund for the Library including the ex-
pense of lights, of postage, of porterage and of
freight, of stationery, of menial services and assis-
tance, of advertising and printing, and all other inci-
dental expenses, one thousand three hundred dollars;
to the expense of binding the laws, journals and pub-
lic documents of the present session, eight hundred
dollars; to the special judges, appointed in pursuance
of the twenty-second section of the fourth article of
the constitution, three thousand five hundred dollars;
to the contingent expenses of the Treasury Depart-
ment, one thousand dollars; to the printing of blank
licenses for the Comptroller, eight hundred dollars ;
to the payment of the interest on the public debt of
this State, that is to say, the interest falling due
quarterly on the currency debt of the State, four
hundred and six thousand dollars; and to the interest
oh the public debt falling due semi-annually and pay-
able in London, including cost of exchange, remit-
tance and commissions, two hundred and sixty-two
thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; Provided,
however, that all that portion of the interest on the
public debt which at any time during the year end-
ing on the first day of January eighteen hundred and
fifty-seven, shall be due on that part of said debt
which may constitute the sinking fund of the State,
shall be applied by the Treasurer to the purchase of
stock or bonds of the State for the increase of the
said fund: to the payment of the interest falling due
on the first day of July, in the year eighteen hundred
and fifty-six, and or. the first day of January, in the
year eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, on the bonds
or certificates of debt of the Annapolis and Elkridge
Railroad Company, issued in pursuance of chapter
one hundred and sixty-eight of eighteen hundred and
forty-one, and to the payment of so much of the
principal of said bonds or certificates of debt as is
directed to be paid by the said act, seven thousand