provisions of chapter two hundred and thirty eight, of
eighteen hundred and forty six, five thousand dollars;
to the Librarian for compensation in pursuance of res-
olution number twelve, of eighteen hundred and
thirty three, seventy five dollars; for the use of the
Blind Asylum, three thousand dollars.
Authority to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of
the State shall, upon the warrant of the Comptroller
of the Treasury Department, disburse the said sums
of money hereinbefore appropriated for the objects and
purposes specified, to or upon the order of the person
or persons, bodies politic or corporate, severally enti-
tled thereto, and that the several public officers to
whom the same or any part thereof may be paid, shall
render quarterly to the Comptroller accounts of the
expenditures thereof with the proper vouchers thereof,
ratified by affidavit, excepting such part thereof as
may be disbursed out of the executive contingent
fund upon the order of the Governor, or such further
part thereof as may be paid for or on account of sala-
ries fixed by the Constitution and Laws of this State
In force.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Passed Mar
10, 1856.
AN ACT to incorporate the Franklin Savings Bank
of Frederick.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Andrew Boyd, David J. Mark-
ey, George Markell, Grayson Eichelberger, Tho-
mas H. O'Neal, J. William Birely, Gideon Bantz,
Basil Norris, Charles W. Haller, William P. Mauls-
by, David O. Thomas, Grafton J. Rice, John Loats,
Jacob Nuszbaum, Ezra Houck, Joseph M. Palmer,
Lewis F. Coppersmith, William H. Doub, David
Kenega, A. J. Delashmut, Seth H. Nichols, David
Boyd, William O. Jenks and Andrew Henderson,
and all and every other person hereafter becoming
members of the Franklin Savings Bank of Frederick,