academies and schools, twenty one thousand four
hundred dollars; to the payment of the several suras
of money to be distributed among the counties, ac-
cording to law, for the use of the free schools, inclu-
ding bonus from bank dividends, from bank stock
standing to the credit of I he school fund, and so much
of the tax on passengers on the Washington Branch
of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, as has been sub-
stituted for the surplus revenue, sixty three thousand
five hundred and sixty eight dollars and one cent; to
the education of the indigent blind in addition to the
fund already accumulated for that purpose, two thou-
sand dollars; to the education of the deaf and dumb,
three thousand five hundred dollars; to the payment of
pensions, five thousand five hundred and fifty two
dollars: to the Library for its augmentation, five hun-
dred dollars; to the payment of commissions to attor-
nies, five thousand dollars; to the night watchman to
the public buildings, three hundred and sixty dollars;
to the person employed to take care of the public
buildings and grounds, two hundred and forty dollars;
to the superintendent of the public buildings and
grounds, one hundred dollars; to the Maryland Insti-
tute for the promotion of the mechanic arts, five
hundred dollars; to the rent of house for fire engine,
one hundred dollars; to the members of the Appeal
Tax Court of Baltimore city, one hundred and fifty
dollars; to the Register of the City of Baltimore, three
hundred dollars; to the Commissioner of the Land
Office for compensation for services under chapter
twenty three of the act of eighteen hundred and forty
one, fifty dollars; to the cost of printing the Comp-
troller's annual report, six hundred dollars; to the
expense of distributing bound copies of Maryland Re-
ports to the Clerks and Registers of Wills of this
State, fifty dollars; to the Executive for the contin-
gent fund, provided in the Constitution to be placed
at his disposal, six thousand dollars; to the contin-
gent fund for the Library, including the expense of
lights, of postage, of porterage and freight, of sta-
tionery, of menial services and assistance, of adverti-
sing and printing, and all other incidental expenses,
one thousand three hundred dollars; to the special
Judges appointed in pursuance of the twenty second
section of the fourth Article of the Constitution, three
thousand five hundred dollars; to the contingent ex-
pense of the Treasury Department, one thousand dol-
lars; for the postage of the Executive and Treasury