limits of Maryland, and to establish and complete the
terminus thereof with its appurtenant buildings as afore-
said within the existing corporate limits of the said city
of Cumberland, all the money to be obtained upon said
bonds either by selling or pledging the same, or the
bonds themselves if used as money, shall be exclusively
expended upon the objects aforesaid required to be es-
tablished within the existing corporate limits of the said
city of Cumberland; or if not needed for such objects,
shall be used in aid of the completion of such other
part of said railway as shall remain unfinished within the
limits of Maryland. And lastly upon condition, that af-
ter the said Railroad Company shall have located the
Maryland part of its aforesaid railway, including all the
land necessary for the terminus thereof, with its appur-
tenances as aforesaid, and shall have acquired a valid ti-
tle in fee thereto free from all incumbrances, the said
Railroad Company shall thereupon (and before doing any
thing by deed or otherwise binding said property in favor
of any other corporation or party) convey by a good and
sufficient deed in fee simple to the said city of Cumber-
land all the land to which it shall have acquired title as
aforesaid with all the railway tracts, houses, improve-
ments and fixtures then built, being built or afterwards to
be built thereon for the following uses and purposes, that
is to say, in trust for the exclusive use and benefit of the
said Railroad Company or its assigns until the maturity
of the bonds aforesaid; Provided always, that the said
Railroad Company or its assigns shall in the mean time
punctually pay or cause to be paid the semi-annual in-
stalments of interest accruing upon said bonds to the
persons or patties lawfully entitled to receive the same
otherwise, that is to say, in case the said Railroad Com-
pany shall fail to pay the semi-annual instalments of in-
terest accruing upon said bonds, in further trust, to sell,
mortgage, lease or rent out all said property or any part
thereof at the discretion of the said city of Cumberland
for the purpose of raising the money necessary to pay
the semi-annual instalments of interest aforesaid; and
after the maturity of said bonds and the payment of all
the accruing instalments of interest in arrear prior to, or
due at, the maturity of said bonds, if the said property
shall not have been previously sold as hereinbefore au-
thorised, or any part of it remain unsold, then, in trust
to convey by deed in fee all said property, or such part
thereof as may remain unsold unto the said Railroad
Company or its assigns to and for their sole use and ben-
efit. But the Mayor and Councilman, of the city of Cum-