324 Joint Resolutions
Delegates, with the Resolution then to be sent to Mrs. C. Andrew
Shaab, Elkridge, Maryland.
Approved February 13, 1956.
No. 2
(Senate Joint Resolution 3)
Joint Resolution requesting the Legislative Council as a matter of
standing policy to continue the organization and work of the Com-
mittee on Taxation and Fiscal Matters.
Whereas, Following the 1955 session of the General Assembly,
a Committee on Taxation and Fiscal Matters was established by the
Legislative Council, composed entirely of members of the Senate and
the House of Delegates of Maryland; and
Whereas, This committee and its several sub-committees worked
long and intensively and submitted to the legislative and executive
branches of the State government an outstanding report on State
finances and bugetary problems; and
Whereas, In addition to the high calibre of the several reports
prepared by this committee, its members compiled much valuable
knowledge in the workings of State government and finance which
will be of assistance to all members of the General Assembly during
the 1956 and succeeding sessions; and
Whereas, It is the sense of the members of the General Assembly
that a committee of this type could very profitably be a permanent
feature as an adjunct to the workings of the Legislature; now, there-
fore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Legis-
lative Council be requested as a matter of standing policy to con-
tinue the appointment and the workings of its Committee on Taxa-
tion and Fiscal Matters; and be it further
Resolved, That this committee, when appointed, be requested to
continue the high level of work which was achieved by the Northrop
Committee in 1955 and to report the continuing results of its work
from time to time to the legislative and executive branches of the
State government.
Approved March 26, 1956.
No. 3
(Senate Joint Resolution 10)
Joint Resolution requesting the Department of Forests and Parks
to re-examine its schedule of fees charged for various services and
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.