255L. After a pay plan and rules for its administration have been
adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, the Personnel Direc-
tor shall assign each job class to one of the pay ranges provided in the
pay plan.
255M. Original appointments to vacancies occurring after this
sub-title becomes effective shall be based on merit including qualifying
255N. Examinations shall be in such form as will fairly test the
abilities and aptitudes of candidates for the duties to be performed,
and may not include any inquiry into the political or religious affilia-
tions or race of any candidate.
255-0. Candidates who qualify for employment shall be placed on
an eligible list for the appropriate job class.
255P. Vacancies in positions above the entrance level shall be filled
by promotion whenever in the judgment of the Personnel Director
it is in the best interests of the county to do so, and promotions shall
be on a competitive basis. Promotions shall give appropriate con-
sideration to the applicant's qualifications, record of performance, and
255Q. Pending the availability of an eligible list determined by
the Personnel Director to be appropriate for a class, vacancies may
be filled by temporary appointment.
255R. (a) Eligible lists shall include re-employment lists, promo-
tional lists and original appointment lists and may be limited in
number and duration by the Personnel Director.
(b) Re-employment lists shall contain the names of permanent em-
ployees laid off in good standing for lack of funds or work.
(c) Promotional eligible lists, and original appointment eligible
lists shall be created as provided in Sections 255M-255Q.
255S. When an appointment is to be made to a vacancy the Per-
sonnel Director shall submit for consideration to the appropriate
Department Head any applicable eligible list. The Department Head
shall refer to the appointing authority the applicant who in his judg-
ment is best qualified to fill the vacancy.
255T. Policies and procedures for administering eligible lists shall
be provided in the personnel rules, covering the duration, cancella-
tion, replacement and consolidation of such lists, and the removal or
suspension of the names of eligibles therefrom.
255U. Employees appointed from original appointment eligible
lists or from promotional eligible lists shall be subject to a period of
six months probation and if retained beyond such period shall auto-
matically acquire permanent status.
255V. The work and conduct of probationary employees shall be
subject to close scrutiny and evaluation, and if found to be below
standards satisfactory to the Department Head, the appointing au-