19A. There shall be a Dog License Commission in Baltimore County
and the same is hereby created dnd established, ivhich said Dog
License Commission shall be vested with and shall possess all the
powers and duties in this Act specified and also the powers necessary
or proper to enable it to carry out fully and effectually all the purposes
of this Act. The jurisdiction, supervision, powers and duties of the
Dog License Commission herein created and established shall extend,
under this Act, to any and all persons, associations or corporations
owning, leasing, harboring, sheltering and/or controlling any dog
tvithin Baltimore County, whether resident or non-resident.
195. Said Dog License Commission shall consist of three members,
all of whom shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners
of Baltimore County for the term of four years each, one of whom
shall be designated by said Board of County Commissioners as Chair-
man of said Dog License Commission. The Board of County Com-
missioners shall appoint as one member the Executive Secretary of
the local Board of Health, one meinber from the Board of Directors
of an incorporated Humane Society in Baltimore County, and one
member to be selected by the Board of County Commissioners at
large. The Board of County Commissioners may remove any mem-
ber of said Commission for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or mal-
feasance in office. The said Commission shall serve without com-
pensation, but their reasonable expenses may be paid from the pro-
ceeds of their office. The Board of County Commissioners shall
designate a member of the Law Department to serve as Counsel to
said Commission without expense thereto.
Before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, each
member of the Commission shall take oath that he will well and
faithfully execute all and singular the duties appertaining to his
office according to this Act and the rules and regulations adopted in
accordance herewith, and shall give bond to the County Commis-
sioners of Baltimore County with some corporate surety or sureties
approved by the County Commissioners of Baltimore County in the
penalty of $25,000.00 with the condition that he will well and faith-
fully execute and perform all and singular the duties appertaining
to this office according to the laws herein and the rules and regula-
tions adopted in accordance herewith.
The Dog License Commission shall appoint an Executive Secretary
[See page image for strike-through]
196. for the purpose of this sub-title, and unless otherwise re-
quired by the context:
(a) "Dog" shall be intended to mean both male and female.