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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 1310   View pdf image (33K)
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1310                                      VETOES

as a free access highway. This would prevent control of access at
any point along the highway within the designated area. I have
consistently vetoed similar legislative attempts to interfere with
orderly administrative processes of the State Roads Commission.

for your convenience in understanding my reasons for this veto,
I am taking the liberty of quoting from my veto of House Bill 575
of this Session:

"Legislative direction of a specific administrative problem of
this kind is undesirable and unwise as a matter of policy. This
conclusion is entirely apart from any determination of the merits
of the proposal embodied in the bill. It should be left to the Com-
mission and its expert advisers to determine its advisability. I
am this day requesting the Commission to study the problem
and arrive at its own final independent conclusion as promptly
as possible as to the extent, if any, to which it might consistently
comply with this expression of legislative intent."




House Bill No. 505—Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning

AN ACT to repeal Section II of the Maryland-Washington Metro-
politan District Act as enacted by Chapter 1008 of the Laws of
Maryland of 1943 and Chapter 582 of the Laws of Maryland of
1949, to repeal Chapter 952 of the Laws of Maryland of 1945 and
Section II-A of the said Maryland-Washington Metropolitan Dis-
trict Act as enacted by Chapter 761 of the Laws of Maryland of
1953, and to enact in lieu of said laws Section II of the Maryland-
Washington Metropolitan District Act, the purpose of this Act
being to increase the membership of the Maryland-National Capital
Park and Planning Commission and provide for the appointment
of the members thereof, their term of office and compensation and
compensation of certain officers and employees of said Commission
and specifying that said Maryland-Washington Metropolitan Dis-
trict and said Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Com-
mission are not included in the term "municipal corporation" in
Article 11 E of the Constitution.

April 28, 1955.
Honorable John C. Luber
Speaker, House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland

Dear Mr. Speaker:

The primary purpose of House Bill 505 is to reconstitute the Mary-
land-National Capital Park and Planning Commission so that, in
effect, its membership will be appointed by the County Commissioners
of Prince George's County and the County Council of Montgomery
County. The present six member Commission would be increased
by the Bill to eight members until April 30, 1957, at which time two


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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 1310   View pdf image (33K)
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