permission of the acting superintendant of the said
road, throw out upon the road, or within the limits
of the road, and suffer to remain for the space of one
day, any mould, dirt, weeds, or rubbish of any
kind, such person being convicted thereof by the
evidence of one or more credible disinterested wit-
nesses, before any justice of the peace of the county,
he or she shall be adjudged by the said justice to pay
a fine not exceeding ten dollars, to be recovered
with costs, as sums of a similar amount are recover-
able; which fine when recovered, shall be paid to the
treasurer of the company, for the use of the said
Drivers of
waggons, &c.
shall keep the
right hand in
a passing di-
29. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all wag-
goners and drivers of carriages of all kinds, whether
of burthen or pleasure, using the said road, shall, ex-
cept when passing by a carriage of slower draught,
keep their horses and carriages on the right hand
side of the road in the passing direction, leaving the
other side of the said road free and clear for other
carriages to pass and re-pass; and if any driver shall
offend against this provision, he shall forfeit and pay
the sum of. five dollars to any person who shall be
obstructed in his passage and will sue for the same,
to be recovered with costs, before any justice, in the
same manner that debts of a similar amount are re-
Persons living
on said road —
their toll.
30. AND BE IT. ENACTED, That It shall not
be lawful for the said company to ask, demand or re-
ceive of, or from any person or persons living on or
adjacent to the said road, within three miles of any
of the said gates or turnpikes, any toll for passing
the said gate mare than once in twenty four hours.
Grants, demi-
ses, &c.
31. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said
president and managers of the said turnpike road,
for the time being, shall and may, and they are here-
by authorised and empowered to grant, demise and
to farm-let to any person or persons with whom
they can agree, the tolls and duties which they, by
virtue of this act or their own by-laws are authori-
sed to demand and receive for passage in, upon and
along the said road, at any such gate or turn-pike,
over or upon the same, or any part of the same, for
any term not exceeding seven years, under such
rents, reservations and conditions as the said presi-
dent and managers at any meeting of their board
shall agree upon, which grants and demises shall
have the construction, force and effect as other like
grants and demises made between private persons
have and receive at law.