oath or affirmation: " I, A. B. appointed a commis-
sioner to lay out and mark a public road from the
district of Columbia to the city of Baltimore,
do swear or affirm, (as the case may be, ) that I will
lay out and mark the same according to the best of
my skill and judgment, and according to the direc-
tions of an act of Assembly, entitled,. " An act to in-
corporate a company to make a turnpike road front
the district of Columbia to the city of Baltimore. " I
do further swear (or affirm, ) that I am not interested
in any lands through which the said road is likely to
Direction of
the road.
10. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the com-
missioners shall lay out a road from the city of Balti-
more to the district of Columbia, byway of Nor-
wood's ferry, on the Patapsco river, M'Coy's tavern,
Vansville, White House, Ross' tavern and Bladens-
burgh, on as straight a line between each of said pla-
ces as the nature of the country will admit.
Plots of cour-
ses, &c. to be
returned to
clerks of coun-
ty courts to
be recorded.
11. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the com-
missioners aforesaid, after they shall have laid out and.
marked the said road, are hereby directed to return a
true and correct plot, specifying the courses and
bounds thereof, to each of the clerks of Baltimore,
Anne-Arundel and Prince George's county courts,
to be by them recorded at the expense of the said body
corporate; and the said road, so laid out and returned
as aforesaid, and made, shall be forever thereafter ta-
ken, held and adjudged, a public road and common
12. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in all cases
where damages are claimed by the owner or owners
of land through which said road may pass, or where
stone, gravel, earth or sand, not already quarried or
dug for the use of the owner, or for sale, shall be ne-
cessary for making or repairing the said turnpike
road, the president and managers of the said company,
or a majority of them, or any person authorised by
them, may agree with the owner or owners of such
land for such damages as may be sustained by the
said road passing through the same, or with the owner
or owners of said materials for the purchase of the
same, or with the said owner or owners of the land,
on which the same may be, for the purchase of said
land; and in case of disagreement, or in case the
owner shall be a feme covert, under age, or non-com-
pos, or out of the state or county, the president of the
company, or any person authorised by him for that
purpose, shall apply to a justice of the peace of the