plement, or a majority of them are hereby empower-
ed to locate a road from George Mouse's mill, in
the nearest and best direction, to intersect Groff's
mill road, at or near M'Farlin's new house on said
road, instead of the location directed in the ori-
ginal act, if in their judgment the convenience of the
public will be thereby more effectually promoted,
upon the terms, and subject to the provisions of the
act passed at November session eighteen hundred and
nine to which this is a supplement.
An act to lay out and open a road in Cecil county.
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That Ephraim Mitchell, Levi
Tyson and Frisby Henderson, or a majority of them,
are hereby appointed commissioners to survey and
lay off a public road, beginning at a point to be de-
signated by the commissioners, not more than three
quarters of a mile in an easterly direction from Arch-
bald Dysart's tavern, in Cecil county, on the road
leading to New-Ark, and running thence through
the lands of Stephen Hay's heirs, and the lands of
Thomas Garrett, and by said Garrett's fulling-mill,
till it intersect the road located by the people of
Pennsylvania into a road leading to the said mill:
Passed Nov.
14, 1812.
ers to survey
and lay out
said road — its
Provided, That the same shall not be laid out to run
over the orchard, garden, yard or meadow of any
person without the consent of the owners thereof.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy
court of said county be, and are hereby empowered,
at the next court thereafter, to appoint an overseer or
overseers to open and clear said road according to
the designation made by the aforesaid commissioners,
and to levy such such sum of money as in the discretion
of said court shall be considered reasonable, for the
purpose of clearing and opening said road as afore-
said; and the said road when surveyed, laid out and
opened as aforesaid, shall be deemed a public road,
and shall be kept in repair as other public roads in
said county are.
Levy court
empowered to
appoint an
overseer — a
sum shall be
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
missioners shall be entitled to receive as a compensa-
tion, the sum of two dollars for every day they shall
attend for the discharge of the duties required of
them by this act, and the said overseer or overseers
shall receive the same compensation which the over-
seers of public roads respectively receive; which
of commis-
sioners and