commanding him to summon twelve disinterested
men qualified by law to serve as jurors in the county
court, to meet on the premises on a certain day, of
which six days notice at least shall be given to the
interested parties; and the said jurors when so met,
and having each first taken an oath before some jus-
tice of said county, that he will without favor, affec-
tion, prejudice or partiality, assess the damages sus-
tained by the person or persons at whose request such
inquisition shall be taken by reason of opening the
said road, through his, her or their land, and shall
thereupon proceed to assess and value the damages
accordingly, taking into consideration the advantages
and disadvantages, (if any; ) and such inquisition
shall be conclusive and final, and the damages, (if
any, ) shall be paid over as aforesaid: Provided,
Nothing herein contained shall in any manner author-
ise the said commissioners to lay out or open the said
road, through the buildings, gardens, orchards or
meadows of any person or persons, without his, her
or their consent.
An act to lay out and open a road therein mentioned
in Cecil county.
Passed Dec.
15, 1812.
WHEREAS, Sundry respectable inhabitants of
A West Nottingham hundred, Cecil county, by their pe-
tition to this General Assembly, pray that a road
may be opened and made from or near George Mer-
cer's meadow, wherein a public road is already laid
out, to Rock Run, to pass by James Rowland's mill,
until it intersects a road from George Kidd's store,
towards Creswell's ferry; and the prayer of said pe-
titioners appearing reasonable: Therefore,
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the justices of the levy
court of Cecil county be, and they are hereby author-
ised upon the application of a respectable number of
the inhabitants, of said county, if the said court, upon
consideration of all circumstances, shall be of an
opinion that such a road would be advantageous to
said county, to appoint five commissioners to survey,
lay out and open a road in Cecil county, from George
Mercer's meadow, where a public road is already
laid out, to Rock Run, to pass by James Rowland's
mill until it intersects a road from George Kidd's
store, towards Creswell's ferry, in as straight a direc-
tion as the nature of the ground will admit, and with
Levy court
may appoint
ers to lay out
said road — its