pointed to contract for and superintend the building of
the same, shall appear most adviseable, ) for the recep-
tion and sale keeping of the criminals in said county.
Under whose
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said room
shall be erected and completed as soon as may be, un-
der the direction of John Moores, William Wilson
and Henry Dorsey, of Harford county aforesaid, who
are hereby authorised to contract with a person or
persons to erect and complete the same.
Money shall
be paid over —
under whose
direction — to
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the money
directed to be assessed and levied as aforesaid, shall
be paid over by the collector or collectors who shall
collect the same, under the order of the aforesaid John
Moores, William Wilson and Henry Dorsey, or a
majority of them, to the person or persons who shall
be employed by them to erect and complete the room
Surplus mo-
4. AND BE IT EN ACTED, That if the erection
and completion of the room aforesaid, shall not require
the whole money so assessed and levied as aforesaid
the balance remaining in the hands of the collector or
collectors as aforesaid, shall be paid over by him on
them to the levy court of Harford county, for the use
of said county.
Passed Dec.
15, 1812.
A further additional supplement to an act entitled,
An act to direct descents.
WHEREAS, It has been represented to this Gen-
eral Assembly, that in a certain ease wherein com-
missioners had been appointed according to the act
to direct descents, to divide or otherwise to value till
lands and tenements of a deceased intestate, all the com-
missioners so appointed have died before they had com-
pleted the trust and powers committed to them, and no
authority appears to be given to the respective courts
in such events to appoint other commissioners to com-
plete what may remain to be done by virtue of the
commission issued in such cases, or of their order in
pursuance thereof; and as the like event may have
happened in other instances, and may happen in fu-
ture, and it is just and reasonable that proceeding
under the said act lawfully begun should be duly com-
pleted for the benefit and security of the respective
parties interested: Therefore, 1
ers first ap-
pointed dying
SEC 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That in any case wherein all
the commissioners appointed by the court of chance-