through whose land the said road may pass: Provi-
ded nevertheless, That no money shall be levied or
assessed for the purpose of discharging the damages
aforesaid, until the said road is opened and cleared
agreeably to the directions of this act.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
missioners shall be entitled to receive a compensation
for their attendance and services in discharge of the
duties of this act, not exceeding two dollars per day,
to be ascertained by the levy court, which is hereby
directed to be levied, collected and paid as other
of commis-
sioners—to be
levied on the
county charges are levied, collected and paid: And
provided also, That no person through whose land
the said road shall pass, and who is a petitioner for
the same, shall be entitled to any damages by this
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said
commissioners, before they proceed to act, shall take
an oath before some justice of the peace, that they
will, without favor, partiality or prejudice, assess the
damages sustained by the persons through whose
land the said road may pass, by reason of opening
the same.
ers shall take
an oath.
An act making public a certain road in Harford
county, and vacating the roads therein mentioned.
Passed Dec.
7, 1812.
WHEREAS, Sundry inhabitants of Harford coun-
ty, by their petition to this General Assembly, have
prayed that the road leading from John Forwood's
black smith shop, to Mrs. Henrietta Wheeler's as
now opened and in use, be made a public highway,
and that the road leading from Peach Bottom road
near the bridge on Deer Greek, to the aforesaid road
leading from John Forwood's smith-shop, be vacated
and closed up, as also the road leading from a ford on
Deer Creek, below and near to Clement Green's
mill, untill its intersection with the road leading
from William Pyle's saw-mill, to and through the
farm of Mrs. Henrietta Wheeler, be vacated and
closed up, they being an expence to the county, and
not of public utility; Therefore,
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the road leading from John For
Wood's black-smith-shop to Mrs. Henrietta Wheel-
er's as now opened and in use, shall forever hereaf-
ter be deemed a public highway, and that the same
How to be
kept in repair.
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