manner and by the same rules as the property in said
county; and the return or returns of such valuation
shall be made to the commissioners aforesaid, and
not to the commissioners of the city of Baltimore,
any thing in the aforesaid act to ascertain the value
of the land in the several counties of this State, for
the purpose of laying the public assessment to the
contrary notwithstanding.
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said
commissioners, in their direction to the assessors by
them to be appointed in virtue of this act, shall be
governed in all respects by the provisions and direc-
tions of the act entitled, An act to ascertain the value
of the land in the several counties of this State, for
the purpose of laying the public assessment, passed
at November session seventeen hundred and eighty-
five, and of this act; and the said commissioners are
hereby authorised to call on the clerks of their coun-
ties to deliver them a list of alienations from the first
day of June eighteen hundred and twelve, to the first
meeting of the said commissioners in May next, and
so from time to time as occasion may require, and
also. call on the clerks of their several counties for a
list of all transfers of personal property which shall
be recorded in their respective offices, and which
shall take place after the assessment of the property
in virtue of this act, from time to time as occasion
may require.
to assessors —
list of aliena-
tions and
transfers shall
be furnished
by the county
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any per-
son appointed an assessor in virtue of this act, and
who shall accept of his said appointment, shall neg-
lect to return to the commissioners certificates for
such valuation of the real and personal property in
his district, agreeably to this act, and the instructions
given to him, he shall for every such neglect, forfeit
a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars; and if any
person appointed an assessor shall not appear at the
time, or shall appear and refuse to serve, the said
commissioners or a majority of them, shall appoint
by warrant, under their hands, some other person
qualified as aforesaid, as an assessor, in the room of
the person so making default or refusing to serve;
and if such person shall also make default or refuse
to act, they may proceed to a new appointment in
like manner, and as often as necessary, until the va-
cancy be supplied; and if any assessor shall die, or
be rendered incapable to act, before he shall have ful-
ly completed his valuation, the said commissioners
shall, by warrant under their hands, nominate some
Default of as-
sessors — pen-
alty, &c.