the person to whom the same shall belong, and his
family for the year, and plantation utensils, the work-
ing tools of mechanics and manufacturers actually
and constantly employed in their respective occupa-
tions, wearing apparel, goods, wares and merchan-
dise, and all home made manufactures in the hands
of manufacturers, all ready money, all grain and
tobacco, and all licensed vessels whatsoever, shall be
valued agreeably to the directions of this act, and
shall be chargeable according to such valuation with
the public assessment.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That five sensi-
ble, discreet, and experienced persons, shall be ap-
pointed in each county of this State, who shall be
commissioners of the tax, and they, or any three or
more of them, shall be commissioners for the county
for which they shall severally be appointed; and five
persons as aforesaid shall be appointed and called
commissioners of the tax for the city of Baltimore;
and no commissioner of the tax shall be entitled to
receive more than one per diem allowance for the
same days attendance.
ers of the tax
shall be ap-
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That every com-
missioner appointed in virtue of this act, shall, before
he acts as such, take the following oath or affirmation
as the case may be, to wit: "I do swear,
(or solemny sincerely and truly declare and affirm. )
that as commissioner for county, (or
the city of Baltimore, ) I will, to the best of, my skill
and judgment, execute the duties of the said office
diligently and faithfully, according to the directions
of this act, and the directions of the act to ascertain
the value of the land in the several counties of this
State, for the purpose of laying the public assess-
ment, passed at November session seventeen hun-
dred and eighty-five, without favor, affection or par-
tiality; and that I will do equal right and justice, ac-
cording to the best of my knowledge, in every case
in which I shall act as commissioner. "
Oath of the
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any one
of the commissioners aforesaid shall die, resign, re-
fuse, neglect or be rendered incapable to act by re-
moval out of the county or otherwise, the remaining
commissioners or a majority of them, of the several
counties of this state respectively, shall immediately,
or as soon as they conveniently can, proceed to, fill
up such vacancy or vacancies, and shall thereupon
signify to such person or persons, the appointment by
them made in writing; and the said commissioner's