it ought to have been made, the said corporation shall
not for that cause be declared to be dissolved; but it
shall be lawful on any other day to hold and make an
election of directors in such manner as shall have
been regulated by the laws and ordinances of the said
corporation; and in case of the death, resignation or
absence from the State, or removal of a director by
the stock holders, his place shall be filled up by a new
choice made by the directors chosen as aforesaid, for
the remainder, of the year, or until the next election
by the stock-holders.
Oath of presi-
dent, direc-
tors, &c.
12. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the presi-
dent and each director, before he enters upon the du-
ties of his office, shall take the following oath or af-
firmation, (as the case may be: ) " I, ———, do so-
lemnly swear (or affirm, ) that I will faithfully, dili-
gently, impartially and honestly execute the duties
of, in the City Bank of Baltimore, con-
formably to the constitution of the same, and the
trust reposed in me, to the best of my skill and judg-
ment; " and the Cashier, Teller, Book-keepers and
other officers and servants of the said Bank, shall
take a similar oath or affirmation.
Cashier, &c.
shall give
13. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the Cashier,
Teller, Book-keepers and other officers and servants
of this Bank, shall give bonds with security, to. the
satisfaction of the president and directors of the said
Bank for the faithful discharge of their duties.
Election of
first directors.
14. AND BE IT ENACTED, That as soon as
thirty thousand shares shall be subscribed, or two
hundred thousand dollars shall have been actually
paid to the commissioners, on account of the sub-
scriptions to the said stock, notice thereof shall be
given by the said commissioners in at least two pub-
lic Gazettes, printed in the city of Baltimore, and one
at Annapolis, George Town, Frederick Town, Ha-
ger's-Town and Easton respectively; and the said
commissioners shall at the same time in like manner,
notify a time and place within the said city, at the
distance of sixty days from the time of such notifica-
tion, for proceeding to the election of directors; and
it shall be lawful for such election to be then and
there made, and the persons who shall then and there
be chosen shall be the first directors, and shall be
capable of serving by virtue of such choice, until
their successors shall be duly elected in pursuance of
this act; and shall as soon as two hundred thousand
dollars are actually paid and not before, commence
the operations of the said Bank in the city of Balti-
more aforesaid.