to the rest, or if the number of subscriptions shall
eventually be greater than the number of shares au-
thorised to be subscribed at the places above-menti-
oned respectively, so that at least one share cannot be
allowed to each and every subscriber, then, and in
either of the above cases, the respective commission-
ers shall ascertain by lot, in whom the greater num-
ber of shares, or the right of subscribing for and re-
taining one share, (as the case may be, ) shall be vest-
ed; and the person or persons in whose favor the lot
may thereupon fall, shall be deemed, to all intents
and purposes, the lawful subscriber and subscribers
for such share and shares respectively; and the
amount of the share and shares subscribed for, shall
be paid by the several and respective subscribers at
the times and in the proportions herein after directed.
Returns of
— when to be
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That each and eve-
ry of the said commissioners are hereby required and
directed to return, at the expiration of sixty days, or
within ten days thereafter, the respective subscrip-
tions, taken under their and each of their direction,
to the said commissioners of Baltimore city; and if
the said number of shares shall not have been sub-
scribed at any of the places aforesaid, in manner
herein before mentioned, or if subscribed, and return
thereof shall not be made to the commissioners at the
city of Baltimore aforesaid, within the time herein
limited, the subscriptions, not so returned, shall be
forfeited, and it shall and may be lawful for the said
commissioners of the city of Baltimore, to open
other subscriptions for supplying the said unsuhscrib-
ed or unreturned shares, in the city of Baltimore,
under the provisions, limitations and regulations
aforesaid and the said commissioners, or a majority
of them, shall give sixty days notice thereof, before
the opening of the said subscriptions.
Privileges, &c.
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all such per-
sons as shall become subscribers to the said Bank,
their successors and assigns, shall be and are hereby
created and made a corporation and body politic, by
the name and style of "The President, Directors
and Company of the City Bank of Baltimore; " and
by that name shall be, and are hereby made able and
capable in law, to have, purchase, receive, pos-
sess, enjoy and retain, to them and their successors,
lands, tenements hereditaments, goods, chattels and
effects, of what kind, nature and quality soever, and
the same to Arrant, demise, alien or dispose of; to sue
and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be