Passed Dec.
19, 1812.
An act to lay out a road from Robert Wilson's ta-
vern, on the old York road.
WHEREAS, It is represented to this General As-
sembly by, the petition of sundry persons in Balti-
more county, that a road from Robert Wilson's ta-
vern, on the old York road, to intersect a road laid
out, beginning near Richard Brittain's mills, will be
of great public use and convenience: Therefore,
ers may survey
and lay out
said road — at
whose expense
— its width &
direction — a
plot to be re-
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That William Hutchings, Tho-
mas Watts and Dickson Brown, be, and they are here-
by appointed commissioners, and they or a majority
of them are hereby authorised and empowered to
survey and lay out at the expense of the petitioners,
or any person or persons who may think proper to
contribute thereto, a road forty feet in width, in the
best and straightest direction the nature of the ground
will admit of, beginning at Robert Wilson's tavern,
on the old York road, and from thence to intersect a
road laid out from near Richard Brittain's mill; and
the said commissioners or a majority of them, shall
make out a plot of said road, and return the same to
the clerk of Baltimore county court, to be recorded
amongst the records of said county; and the said
road when opened and recorded as aforesaid and the
valuation hereinafter directed to be made shall have
taken place, and the damages paid or secured to be
paid to the person or persons entitled to receive the
same, shall forever thereafter be deemed a public
highway, and kept in repair as other public roads in
said county.
Damages —
persons ag-
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, shall ascertain and
value (if required, ) what damages may be sustained
by any persons over whose lands the said road may
pass by opening the same, taking into consideration
the advantages and disadvantages, (if any, ) and the
valuation shall be made before the said commission-
ers shall proceed to open the said road: Provided
always, That if any person or persons through whose
land the said road may pass, or his, her or their guar-
dian or trustee shall conceive themselves aggrieved
by such valuation and assessment of damages by the
said commissioners, it shall and may be lawful for
any justice of the peace of said county, on applica-
tion of the party interested, or his, her or their guar-
dian or trustee, to issue his warrant, under his hand
and seal, directed to any constable of the county,