April 6.
An ACT to revive and aid the proceedings of Worcefter county
WHEREAS the juftices of Worcefter county court did not meet pur-
fuant to their adjournment of November term, feventeen hundred
and ninety, and divers actions, fuits and proceedings, civil and
criminal, were difcontinued ; for aiding, therefore, the faid actions, fuits and
proceedings, and for faving, as far as may be, parties interefted from the damage
that might otherwife be occafioned by fuch difcontinuance,
Actions, &c.
to be valid.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That all actions,
fuits and proceedings, depending in the faid court, fhall be and are hereby as
good and valid as if the fame had been continued by the order or judgment of
the faid court, any thing to the contrary notwithftanding.
III. And be it enacted, That all judgments rendered at or fince faid November
term, feventeen hundred and ninety, fhall be and are hereby confirmed in as full
force and power as if the fame fuits had been regularly continued.
April 6.
An additional fupplcment to the act, entitled. An act directing
the time, places and manner, of holding elections for reprefenta-
tives of this ftate in the congrefs of the United States, and for
appointing electors on the part of this ftate for choofing a pre-
fident and vice-prefident of the United States, and for the
regulation of the faid elections, and alfo to repeal the act of
affembly therein mentioned.
Elections to
be made in
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the election of
electors for the purpofe of choofing a prefident and vice-prefident of the
United States, fhall be made by the citizens of this ftate, qualified to vote
for members of the houfe of delegates, on the fecond Wednefday in November
next, and on the fecond Wednefday in November in every fourth year for ever
Parts of an aft
repealed, &c.
II. And be it enacted, That all that part of the act to which, this is an addi-
tional suppkment, which directs the holding the aforefaid election at a different
time from that herein before appointed, and all parts of the fame which are
inconfiftent with the act of congrefs paffed at a feffion, begun and held at the
city of Philadelphia on Monday the twenty-fourth day of October, one thousand
feven hundred and ninety-one, entitled, An act relative to the election of a pre-
fident and vice-prefident of the United States, and declaring the officer who fhall
act as prefident in cafe of vacancies in the offices both of prefident and vice-pre-
fident, fhall be and the fame are hereby repealed, and that, in all other refpects,
the election of the faid electors fhall be made agreeably to the provisions of the
feveral acts of affembly now in force for the regulation of the fame.
April 5.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act fupplementary to an
act, entitled, An act for the more effectual paving the ftreets of
Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county, and for other purpofes.
Affeffors to be
allowed a fa-
lary, &c.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the ftreet com-
miffioners, or a major part of them, be authorifed and empowered to
allow to the affeffors by them appointed rfpectively under an act, entitled,
An act to regulate the affize of bread, a falary not exceeding the fum of thirty-
five pounds per annum for their fervices, and that the faid ftreet commiffioners,
or a majority of them, be authhorifed to apply for that purpofe fo much as may
be neceffary of any of the funds, which, by the prefent laws of this ftate, have
or may come to their hands.