Power to sell
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the trustees shall
have power to create and sell rights, perpetual or for a
term of years, of having pupils taught in the seminary
free of charge; which rights are usually called scholar-
ships; the evidence of a right of a scholarship shall be
such as the trustees may prescribe, and may be trans-
ferable by assignment, in such manner as the trustees
may prescribe.
Disposal of
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That any individual
wishing to dispose of his or her stock or one or more
scholarships, shall first offer the same to the board of
trustees, and they may purchase the same if they deem
it proper to do so, and will pay as much therefor as any
other person.
Failure to pay
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That any stockholder
failing to pay any instalment on his or her stock within
ninety days after it shall become due, shall forfeit the
same, and the amounts previously paid shall become
the property of the corporation, or he or she may be
held liable for such instalment or instalments by suit or
Feb. 24, 1854.
AN ACT to authorise the courts of this State to admit
Andrew P. Ward to practice law therein.
WHEREAS, Andrew P. Ward, a resident of this Slate,
represents thai, being an alien, he has made declara-
tion of an intention to become a citizen of the United
States, comformably to the act of Congress in such
case provided, and has petitioned that he may be ad-
mitted to practice law in this State, notwithstanding
he has not yet become such citizen.
Authority to
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the several courts of the State of
Maryland are hereby authorised to admit Andrew P.
Ward to practice the profession of law, although not
yet a citizen of the United States, if deemed by said
courts otherwise qualified.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from its passage.