Deed for
land seiz-
48. A covenant by the grantor in a deed for land,
that he is seized of the land hereby conveyed, shall
have the same effect as if the grantor bad covenanted
that the said grantor, at the time of the execution and
delivery of said deed, is, and stands lawfully seized of,
in and to the same.
Right to
49. A covenant by the grantor in a deed for land,
that he has the right to convey said land, shall have the
same effect as if the grantor had covenanted that he has
good right, full power and absolute authority to convey
the said land unto the grantee in said deed, in the man-
ner in which the same is conveyed or intended so to be
by the deed, according to its true intent.
to quietly
enjoy land.
50. A covenant by the grantor in a deed, that the
said [the grantee] shall quietly enjoy said land, shall
have the same effect as if he had covenanted that the
said [the grantee,] his heirs and assigns, might at any
and all times thereafter, peaceably and quietly enter
upon and have, hold and enjoy the land conveyed by
the deed or intended so to be, with all the rights, privi-
leges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and to
receive the rents and profits thereof, to and tor his or
their use and benefit, without any eviction, interruption,
suit, claim or demand whatever by the said [the grant-
or,] his heirs or assigns, or any other person or persons
51. A covenant by a grantor in a deed, that he baa
done no act to encumber said land, shall be construed and
have the same effect as if he had covenanted that he
had not done or executed, or knowingly suffered any
act, deed or thing, whereby the land and premises con-
veyed or intended so to be, or any part thereof, will be
changed, affected or encumbered in title, estate or other-
52. A covenant by a grantor in a deed, that he will
execute such further assurances of said land as may be
requisite, shall have the same effect as if he had cove-
nanted that he, the grantor, his heirs or personal repre-
sentatives will at any time, upon any reasonable re-
quest, at the charge of the grantee, his heirs or assigns,
do execute or cause to be done and executed all such
further acts, deeds and things for the better, more per-
fectly and absolutely conveying and assuring the lands
and premises hereby conveyed or intended so to be
unto the grantee, his heirs and assigns, in manner afore-
said, as by the grantee, his heirs and assigns, his or
their counsel, learned in the law, shall be reasonably
devised, advised or required.