tween the parties to said suit or action, issues or petition,
presentment or indictment.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
have full force and effect from the dale of its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to authorise Frederick L. Barreda, of the city
of Baltimore, to take, hold and dispose of real estate
for his own use, in the State of Maryland.
Mar. 10, 1854,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Frederick L. Barreda, of the city
of Baltimore, be, and he is hereby authorised to take,
hold and dispose of real property, for his own use, in
this State, as if he were a natural born citizen of the
United States, and that the same, if undisposed of at
his death, shall pass, therefore, by descent or devise, to
such person or persons as would be entitled thereto,
Authority to
hold property.
were he and they such natural born citizens; Provided
always, that such heirs or devisees of said Barreda,
being aliens, shall not be entitled, by virtue of the provi-
sions of this act, to hold such estate for a longer period
than one year after the death of said Barreda, if they be
then of full age or one year after their arrival at the age
of twenty-one years, if they be infants at the death of
said Barreda, unless, within the said period of one
year, from said death or a majority as the case may be,
they shall have respectively become qualified to hold
real estate, under the existing laws of Maryland.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall go
into operation from and immediately after its passage.