require, and the said board shall fix the salaries of such
officers and agents.
Statement to
be published.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the trustees shall,
in the month of January of each year hereafter, publish
a statement of the affairs of the corporation, in at least
two daily papers published in the city of Baltimore.
Deposits of
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That whenever any
deposit shall be made by any minor, the trustees of
said corporation may at their discretion pay such sums
as may be due him, her or them, although no guardian
shall hare been appointed for such minor, or the guar-
dian of such minor shall not have authorised the draw-
ing of the same; and the check, receipt or acquitance
of such minor shall be as valid as if the same had been
executed by the guardian of such minor, or the said minor
was of full age, if such deposit was made personally by
said minor, and whenever any deposit shall have been
made by married women, may repay the Fame on their
own receipt.
In force.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the day of its passage.
Mar. 10, 1854.
May obtain
warrant of re-
AN ACT to regulate Warrants of Resurvey.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That any person entitled to lands in fee
simple and being in possession thereof may obtain a
warrant of resurvey from the land office, and it shall
not be necessary in such warrant to state the name of
the tract or tracts of land to be resurveyed and the sur-
veyor of the county to whom such warrant shall be di-
rected shall survey the lands to be effected thereby, ac-