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Session Laws, 1854
Volume 616, Page 359   View pdf image
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ficient evidence of ownership, to authorise the collector
or collectors to return the said person or persons as the
rightful owner of said dog or dogs, and any person eva-
ding the law by sending their dog from place to place,
and proof had of the fact, he or she shall be liable for
double tax, and every dog returned as having no owner
may be lawfully killed by the collector or any one au-
thorised by him or either of them, and for so doing he
shall be entitled to fifty cents or more, if deemed neces-
sary by the commissioners, to be paid out of the fund
raised from the tax on dogs.

Lawful to kill

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if any dog or
dogs shall be seen or known to worry sheep, it shall be
lawful for any citizen seeing or knowing the fact, to
kill such dog or dogs, and any person or persons having
a dog or dogs that are known to have worried sheep,
and the fact being made known to him or her, and he
or she shall not kill said dog or dogs, and they be seen
or known to worry or be found at the place where any
sheep may have been killed by dogs, it shall be proof
of their guilt, and the owner or owners shall be liable for
the amount of said damages.

Negro permit-
ed to keep
but one dog.

SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That no free negro or
mulatto shall keep but one dog, and before he or she
shall be so entitled to keep said dog, shall first obtain
from some justice of the peace in and for said county,
a certificate, and any negro or mulatto failing to comply
with the provisions of this act, shall pay the sum of one
dollar in addition to the tax upon said dog, and the col-
lector is authorised and required to kill said dog or dogs,
and for every dog or dogs killed under the provisions of
this act belonging to negroes or mulattoes, the person so
killing said dogs shall be entitled to twenty-five cents
for each and every dog so killed, and the collectors are
authorised to demand in every case the certificate in
each and every year, and nothing herein contained shall
authorise or permit any negro or mulatto to keep a bitch
and for every violation of this act by keeping a bitch,
he or she shall pay the sum of three dollars.

Surplus mo-

SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That any money that
may be in the treasury or the hands of the collector or
collectors so appointed to collect or hold said fund, at
the expiration of one year from the time of assessment,
and in each and every year thereafter, provided it be
over and above paying all demands of damages sus-
tained to said inhabitants in the loss of sheep by dogs,
and shall be by said treasurer or collectors, upon the

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Session Laws, 1854
Volume 616, Page 359   View pdf image
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