tree, of a size not less than those commonly used for
hoop poles, with intent to steal the same, or cause,
or induce any other person to steal the same, or any part
thereof, within the limits of Allegany county, every
person so offending, his aiders and abettors, having
knowledge of such intent to steal, shall he adjudged
guilty of felony, and shall be sentenced to such pun-
ishment as now is or hereafter may be prescribed by
law, for feloniously stealing goods or chattels to the value
of the tree or trees, which shall be cut down as afore-
said, and of the injury thereby occasioned.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That every person who
shall advisedly and maliciously, with intent to injure
the owner of any land, house or building, in the said
county, or cut down any tree, or cut down, break, dig
or pull up, or in any manner destroy or injure any
growing grain, shrubs, herbs, roots, vines or vegetables,
or shall cut, break, pull off, destroy or injure, any part
of any house or other building, or of any wall, or fence,
or any ornament or other valuable article attached to
any house or oilier building, wall or fence in said coun-
ty, shall an conviction thereof, be adjudged guilty of
a misdemeanor, and shall be fined or imprisoned or both
in the discretion of the court, before which any such
person shall be tried and convicted.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the first day of October, eighteen hundred
and fifty-four.
In force.
AN ACT to make valid a deed from Joseph E. Muse,
Jur., surviving trustee, of Joseph E. Muse, Jur., and
Nicholas L. Goldsborough to John L. Willis.
Mar. 9, 1854.
WHEREAS, by a decree of the high court of Chancery
of the State of Maryland, bearing date on or about
the fifteenth day of November, eighteen hundred and
fifty, and made in a cause then depending in the
said court, wherein John H. Bramble, and wife were
complainants, and William H. Travers and others,
were defendants, the above named, Joseph E. Muse,