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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 565   View pdf image
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common council of Frederick, so as to authorise them to provide
a guard house.

356. An act to provide for the removal of the live stock scales
in Baltimore city to Baltimore county, and to authorise the com-
missioners therein named, to make sale of the land upon which
the said scales are now located, and to purchase other land whereon
to place said scales in Baltimore county.

357. An act to provide for the valuation and severance of the
ownership of properly now held jointly by the city and county of

358. An act to make valid and effectual certain acts and things
had and done under certain expired laws.

359. An act amendatory of an act entitled, an act to incorporate
the Parker Vein Coal Company, passed at December session, 1849,
chapter 56.

360. An act to revive and make perpetual certain expired laws,
or laws limited in their duration.

361. An act to authorise the Commissioner of the Land office
to issue patents for lands in certain cases, and enlarging the pow-
ers of said commissioner.

362. An act to authorise the commissioners of Anne Arundel
and Prince George's counties to levy a sum of money to repair or
re-build the bridge, known as the Governor's Bridge over the Pa-
tuxent river.

363. An act to amend the charter of the Williamsport and Green-
castle turnpike road company, incorporated by an act entitled, an
act to incorporate a company to make a turnpike road from Wil-
liamsport, in Washington county, to the Pennsylvania line, in the
direction of Greencastle, in Franklin county, State of Pennsylva-
nia, passed at December session, 1849, chapter 377.

364. An act to appoint visitors for Howard and Carroll counties
to the Maryland Hospital.

365. An act to authorise the Adjutant General to furnish arms
and accoutrements for the use of Uniformed volunteer companies,
and to secure their safe keeping and return to the State Armories.

366. An act for the benefit of Joseph Dilley.

367. An act to amend an act entitled, an act to appoint a board

of commissioners for the town of Oxford, in Talbot county.

368. An act to divide Baltimore county into sixteen election

369. An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of
Telegraph companies in this State.


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Session Laws, 1852
Volume 615, Page 565   View pdf image
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